was just mooching tonight, thought id see if i could learn about catholics

by ness21 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • ness21

    During the XVII Century, the Archives increased considerably, especially under Urban VIII Barberini (the Bulls of Sixtus IV and Pius V; the papers of the Briefs Secretariat from Alexander VI to Pius V, the abundant documentation contained in the Armaria XXXIX-XLV; the books of the Apostolic Camera from Avignon, where they had remained after the end of the Scism; the papers of the Council of Trent), and under Alexander VII, who chose to place the diplomatic correspondence of the Secretariat of State on a specific floor of the Vatican Palaces.

    what the ???????? are all catholics academics or something or am i just thick?

  • whyizit

    I once was a Catholic. My Mom was not, however. My Dad's side of the family made it possible for me to attend private Catholic school for 2 years, after which my Mom put a stop to it, thank God! I learned precious little. Did all the meaningless rituals and learned the recited prayers. I wondered if God really wanted to hear these mindless prayers that I didn't even understand, or if He really wanted to hear what I had to say. Wouldn't He rather hear about real stuff? This was at the ripe age of 8 years old.

    My husband has since been listening to Catholic talk radio on his commute from work. He comes in and tells me the most interesting things! "Did you know that you are going to burn in hell?" He informed me that if you are a Catholic, then leave the faith, you are damned for eternity. (Sound familiar?)

    He informs me of all kinds of ridiculous beliefs they hold, which I, and most of the Catholics have known, have never heard of!

    He was doing a search on the computer and found a comparison chart of Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses. They have so many similarities, it is uncanny! It is a manipulative religious organization, geared at high control of it's members.

    I've been reading the New Testament, and I have cicled every where it mentions Saducees, Pharisees, Elders, religious leaders of Jesus' day. Following every one of them so far, they are plotting to kill Jesus, they are angered by him, they are jealous, ....nothing positive. Always trying to trap or trick Jesus. No wonder Jesus was anti religion and pro relationship. He's been trying to release people from cults from day one. He really reemed the religious leaders!

    Go, Jesus! :0)

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