I've been presented a rather amusing and hard decision....
First of all, my so-called best friend "Stina" (a JW) told my other JW friend "Amber" that she stopped talking to me a while ago b/c I wasn't attending meetings. Now, I could understand if I was DF'd or DA, b/c her parents would tell her not to, but that just isn't the case. I simply stopped attending after I moved out of my parents house.
Anyways, my friend Amber told me that Stina is going through a phase where she thinks she's holier than thou, b/c she had started pioneering. So basically I'm just gonna say "screw it" and not even bother to hold on to my friendship w/Stina anymore-I've tried for the past 5 months....
Well, Amber is 18 and is getting married in 3 weeks. I told Amber that I thought she was too young-I shared with her my opinion, but also told her that being a true friend; I'm happy for her, and will support her and her decision. I'm also friends with the guy she is marrying. They both said that they miss me (they live in AZ and now I'm in MI) and they offered me a plane ticket to fly out so I could be at the wedding. Well, Amber told me that Stina and our other friend "Nellie" (Stina and Nellie are sisters) both told Amber that they don't want to be in her wedding. They also had their dad tell Ambers' dad not to even send an invitation b/c they don't want anything to do with them. Now Nellie and Stinas' dad is an elder, along with Ambers' dad. I personally think that it's screwed up how their treating one another. Amber hasn't done anything wrong-she's just making a decision to get married at a young age. She's still a witness....
Anyways, I told Amber that I would still go to her wedding (she wants me in it, but I don't have a dress). The thing is, I don't know if I will be able to make it out there. But if I can, I told Amber to not even tell any of our friends. Stina claimed that she missed me, but now isn't talking to me and isn't going to the wedding.
So what I'm thinking about doing, is just flying out there, going to the wedding, and if I don't see anyone at the wedding; than I wont see them at all. I'm not going to give Stina the time of day or all my other friends who have cut me off and erased me from their friend list. Do you think that it's a good decision? Should I just blow everyone off, except for the people who I see at the wedding?
should I or shouldn't I??
by babyboo 1 Replies latest jw friends
Good for you for sticking by a sister even if you don't agree with some of her decisions. THAT'S the meaning of a true friend - unconditional love! Of course, easier said than done, but good for you anyway!
As for not talking to Stina and Nellie or whoever else is shunning you? Don't stoop to their level. Act like a Princess Grace and be polite and friendly no matter what they do. It will show them and any onlookers who really has the class.
Just my two cents...
AndiPS: Welcome to the board!