Generaration doctrine still current on Watchtower Site

by littlemike 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • littlemike

    It is now over 11 years since the WTBTS abandoned the generation doctrine linking those being born before 1914 and still being alive when armageddon arrives.

    However it is still available as current doctrine on the Watchtower web site. This is not just a simple mistake. The society did not have this web site running in 1995 when the doctrine was changed. So somebody has deliberately put this 1993 article on the site.

    TRY IT YOURSELF :- In the search bar on the main home page type" generation" and it comes up with 39 references. You only have to go to the second heading "Gods purpose soon to be realised". Read that article and it is still teaching a doctrine dropped 11 years ago!!!!

    Maybe somebody should tell them about receiving new light or do we have them before a comittee for apostate teachings. If a brother said that in his talk he would have to correct it yet Gods true organisation is still publishing this UNTRUTH on its site.

  • megsmomma

    They are so ridiculous, aren't they?? The average JW doesn't even know what they teach though, so I bet it is hardly noticed by them.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Well it's been 11 years and they still haven't removed that from the Reasoning book... It's still in there under 'last days' so they will teach that at the door unless the individual witness knows otherwise.



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