hi everyone, Ive been on myspace recently and have been talking to a JW for the last few days, its hard to reason with him because everything i say to him he seems to brush it off, below is the conversation that ive been having with him so far.
The responses ive been giving him are probably not the best but ive given it my best shot, if anyone has any idea on where i should take this from now i would be very appreciative
PS. ive been using my girlfriends myspace account so thats why it says Sarah on the messages aswell as Sam.
(read from top to bottom)
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Sarah Date: Nov 20 2006 9:16 PM
hi, i just noticed you in the jehovah witness forum, I feel as if I should tell you that I was a jehovahs witness all of my life up untill the last few months (im 19 at the moment) and there is a lot more to the background of the religion than what you might think.
I think you should read up about the witnesses before you move too far into the religion, do google searchs on them and find out about things like the United Nations association that they had, the blood issues, the changing of dates, and where the religion originaly came from.
I know a lot will tell you not to do this, but it says in the bible that if one thing is true, you will be able to put it through any test and it will never fail, so in other words if the JW’s have the true religion then there shouldn’t have been any mistakes or false doctrines, because after all God cant lie. (so how could he lie in his own religion)
Thanks for listening, im just trying to help, and save you the heartache of figuring it out later on, cheers
From Sam.
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LP Date: Nov 20 2006 11:43 PM
so then what religion shoud I go?
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thanks for the reply, where in the bible does it say you have to belong to a religion?
God will judge us all individualy, not as a group, so does it make any difference if you are in any religion at all?
(i think god would be more angry if someone supported false religion that doesnt do what the bible said)
from Sam.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
well, I dont wanna be like Proverbs 18:1
I've already done that for decades and that is a lost and lonely world... what religion do you belong to?
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I am not actually familar with proverbs 18:1 because i am at work at the moment (i shouldnt be on myspace at work! lol) maybe you could tell me what it says? At the moment I don’t belong to a religion, It doesn’t say you have to be with one in the bible, so I see no need to be associated with one. Another question, are you familiar with this? it is all taken from publications from the Jehovahs Witnesses.
*** Watchtower 1919 April 1 p.6414 ***
…Is not the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society the one and only channel which the Lord has used in dispensing his TRUTH continually since the beginning of the harvest period?
if this is so then why does the rules on different issues keep changing? for example blood transfusions? The celebration of christmas? The cross? (which was used by the Watchtower)
*** The Watchtower Reprints, January 15, 1892, p.1355 ***
The date of the close of that ‘battle’ is definitely marked in Scripture as October, 1914. It is already in progress, its beginning dating from October, 1874.
Scan Available at http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org/quotes/scans/1892_w_jan_15_p1355.tif
-Well this one is kind of obvious, the end hasnt come yet, isnt that false prophecy? (you cant argue around this one what so ever)
I think these matters are very big indeed, and this is only a small portion of what actually has been written in the publications and then something contradicting that has been written latter on in another publication, is this the way God would run his organisation? Giving them false truths followed by ‘’new light’’? I don’t mean to preach to you about it, but if you could prove to me that this really is the truth then I would gladly get baptised and stick with it, but as you can see this is not a religion run by God. I have recently left the organisation because of the fact that god wouldn’t let this happen in his one true religion, remember God cant lie.
Thanks again for the reply,
From: LP Date: Nov 24 2006 12:39 AM
oh yeah... I've ssen tons of that stuff... check out Provebs 18:1... I believe the Bible has power and when you hold it in your hand and study it for yourself with a prayerful open mind is when you will find the truth and thetruth will set you free!
----------------- Original Message -----------------
I see your point LP, but does that scripture say anything about being with anyone in particlular? (the JWs for example) that scripture could be taken many different ways.
That still does not counter act the things i have shown you about the organisation though, although it is a good scripture to live by it really doesnt have anything to do with what i said. What is your viewpoint on the mistakes that the org has made? how do you go on thinking the JWs have the true religion after these things have been brought to your attention?
From Sam.
''What is your viewpoint on the mistakes that the org has made? how do you go on thinking the JWs have the true religion after these things have been brought to your attention?''
good question!
during my atheist years and the decades when I was attending all the churches of the world, I often wondered 'how did the Hebrews go on thinking that Jacob, Moses, David and Solomon had the true religion with all the mistakes they made?
The answer of course is that no human beside Jesus has ever been perfect. But one thing we *do* know from the Scriptures is that Jehovah has always had only "one people" ... well, until the prophesied apostasy took control (2 Thessalonians 2:3) But centuries later that apostasy was exposed by a group of Bible students (Daniel 12:4; Isaiah 2:2) who recognized the abundance of un-Scriptural teachings in the hundreds divided sects of that apostasy. But "the only true God" (John 17:3) is a God of organization. The order of the universe attests to this. Christ said he would gather together "one flock" (John 10:16) and indeed, as instructed, they are united and "all speak in agreement" (1 Corinthians 1:10) throughout every single country over the entire planet!
Heb 10:24, 25
2 Cor 6:15-18
1 Peter 2:17
Acts 15:14-18
Acts 15:22-31
Acts 16:4, 5
Eph 4:11-16
Titus 1:5
1Ti 3:1-13
1Pe 5:2, 3
Joshua 23:2
Acts 14:23
Acts 20:28
1 Cor 11:3
Psalms 133:1
so the fact that they are as imperfect as Moses and David and Solomon does not negate the fact that they are the *only* organization that is in every country on the planet wherein *every* person in the organization is following the example of Jesus by going door to door and preaching the good news of his Father Jehovah's Kingdom. They are also the *only* organization that is in every country on the planet that has removed itself from the divisive and murderous worldwide political machine of Satan.
and there are *so* many other ways in which the organized group of Christians called Jehovah's Witnesses adhere strictly to the Scriptural teachings of Christ and his Father Jehovah that make it so very plain that they are *very* different from the hundreds of divided sects of the worlds religions.
would you like to know more?
Did you know that Satan's religious leaders have had God's personal Divine name removed from the Bible and replaced by a mere title?