Do people in your family or people you know think you're a hypochondriac? Do you think others who claim illnesses are hypochondriacs?
I had one of those "state-of-the-art" or "in" health conditions beginning back in the '70's. I knew I had hypoglycemia, simply because of the symptoms I was experiencing. Of course, many thought it was hypochondria on my the 90's a doctor finally administered the GT test (glucose tolerance) and I was officially declared to be hypoglycemic.....and now I have diabetes because the overproduction of insulin over the years finally wore my glands out and I don't produce enough now.
I know there are REAL hypochondriacs out there. I've seen a very few. They're about as rare as someone who has "Munchausen's Syndrome," where the parent deliberately causes illness or injury to a child for the attention, sympathy and concern the parent can get in relation to the child's illness/injury.
I've also seen a whole apartment building of people ALL come down with leukemia when I was living in Maryland back in the late 60's. It must have been attributed to something in the environment in the building.
I wish people wouldn't be so quick to judge others who claim physical weaknesses. Witnesses do that.