The Song of Solomon is being covered in the KH highlights this week. Last night, the brother doing this talk went into detail about how this has a greater fulfillment, in that it applies to Christ and the loyalty of his bride class, the anointed. Surely this is just a love story between Solomon and the girl? How can it have a modern-day fulfillment? I know the Org like to apply as much of the bible as they can to themselves, but even the Song of Solomon? That's just silly.
Song of Solomon
by Zico 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've discussed this only a bit with my jw. He was really hot when I suggested he learn some of the language of the day (slang type) and other writings that are similiar from that time period. I heard a scholar on the radio about it once, wow! Way too racy for jw's. At least in the PG13 category possibly even R!
I remember reading about the Song of Solomon in one of the Commentaries. The Jews applied it to God and his relationship with Israel. So, it was an easy transition for Christians to use the same thought but apply it to Christ and "his bride." (This is not an exclusive Watchtower view.)
Some argue over the main characters and the plot of this book. Some feel that it is a love story between the king and this maid. Others introduce a third character, a shepherd lover, who wins the heart of this maiden over the blandishments of the King.
In any case, it is a beautiful love story. "Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyelding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame." It doesn't get much better than this.
All I can say, it's about time! I begged my hubby to make the Song of Solomon bedtime reading for like, forever. At last he's clued in to the twin towers.
Big surprise, the WTBTS casts themselves as the bridesmaid. If that doesn't throw a wet blanket on the poetry, I don't know what will.
All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial p. 117 Bible Book Number 22—The Song of Solomon
Certainly these anointed followers of Christ Jesus can benefit much from the example of the Shulammite girl. They also must be loyal in their love, unenticed by the materialistic glitter of the world, keeping balance in their integrity clear through to the attainment of the reward. They have their minds set on the things above and ‘seek first the Kingdom.’ They welcome the loving endearments of their Shepherd, Jesus Christ. They are overjoyed in knowing that this dear one, though unseen, is close beside them, calling on them to take courage and conquer the world. Having that unquenchable love, as strong as “the flame of Jah,” for their Shepherd King, they will indeed overcome and be united with him as fellow heirs in the glorious Kingdom of the heavens. Thus will Jah’s name be sanctified!—Matt. 6:33; John 16:33.
an eleven year old boy has been assigned this reading at our hall
I don't know if anybody realizes it but this girl (the Shulamite maiden) was essentially a kidnap victim or under house arrest until he felt like releasing her.
It points to the relationship between Christ and his bride?
Yeah, right. Then what about all the sexual-erotic double entendres? See:
The song of Solomon was the very first "Letter to Penthouse" in recorded history!
S of S Chapter 4:1 - Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from Mount Gilead.
Maybe it worked in his day but if you said that to a girl round here you'd get a bottle over your head. . .