I have a question regarding divorce laws.
I know someone who recently got divorced. This person is unhappy about the way they were treated and continue to be treated. They're complaining about how much child support they have to pay,the fact that the ex continues to get health insurance from their plan, and that they have to split the money from the sale of their house. As a result of this perceived unfairness, they plan to move out of the country. They're keeping this move a secret from the ex as long as they can.
This person told me they were not planning to take their child with them out of the country. Even if I believe that, it's still unfair that they are trying to escape justice by leaving the country, not to mention the fact that the poor child is going to miss one of her parents for God knows how long because someone can't handle the "unfair" way they are being treated. (What about you not paying for the child that you helped brought into this world, and denying your love and affection by leaving, and running away from your child? But I digress...)
My point is, what are the laws regarding a situation like this? Can a parent just up and leave the country with no plans on how to provide for the child they leave behind?
And also, if I can get in touch with the ex (I don't know them personally, and I am afraid to get involved), should I spill the beans? This person will probably know I am the one who told, but I'm trying to think about what's best for the child.
Any information anyone has will be GREATLY appreciated.