Jehovah's Witnesses are Democrats!

by slimboyfat 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    I always suspected it!

    Most of course claimed to be independent or gave no answer to this question. But it does seems significant that of those who answered (probably largely marginal members, inactive or disfellowshipped/disassociated) five times as many identified themselves as Democrats than as Republicans - making them perhaps the most "liberal" denomination, politically speaking, in the US.

    It also seems to me that apart from a few of the awkward squad, if those on this board are anyway representative, apostates tend to be fairly liberal in outlook too.

    Mormons are overwhelmingly Republican - no surprises there either.

    The figures for race are interesting too:

    Blacks are better represented among Jehovah's Witnesses than any other major religious group in America.

    And 0% of Mormons identified themselves as black.

    This has probably been discussed before, but it is new to me. The whole thing is interesting:


  • Junction-Guy

    My inactive JW grandma isnt registered to vote, but she is definitely a Democrat at heart. Im republican, but will vote democrat if Im ticked off with the current republican. I do believe that most XJW's are democrat, just a hunch I have always had.

  • SirNose586
    Blacks are better represented among Jehovah's Witnesses than any other major religious group in America.

    The percentage is high, but you're talking about over 490,000 blacks as dubs, and then there are nearly 10 million black Baptists. But it is interesting to see a higher black/white ratio amongst the dubs than in other religions.

  • Dune

    I grew up thinking that there werent any white witnesses except for the ones at Walkhill, lol.

    Its kind of weird because i live in a metropolitan area thats very diverse, but go to the meetings and the conventions and 90% of the people are black. Then i'd read the magazines with asians, whites, blacks, arabs and latins all in the same picture and i'd think "yeah...right".

    I dont think that there is something in blacks that makes us inherently inclined to join the JW's.

    I think its more of an economic/social background factor. Witnesses, on average, make less than most other religions. Blacks, on average, make less money than those in ethnic groups. So i'm not surprised to see such a high percentage of blacks, and a very low percentage of Asian (who average to make more than all other ethnic groups.)

    I'm very glad you posted that, I find it amazing how blacks, who make up 18% of the population, can represent 37% of a group. I think i've found my thesis for a paper next semester :-D.

  • joe_black

    IMHO I believe most "active" JW's if they could, would answer that they are more conservative, therefore would label themselves republicans and good ones at that! Ex JW's or ones that have left the religion tend to become more liberal after being out of the mind control, fear mongering cult for a while.

  • Leolaia

    So does the fact that I'm a registered Democrat mean I haven't really moved on?


    JW`s are democrates..???..JW`s do as thier dam well told,by the WBT$..Exactly what,is democratic about that???...OUTLAW

  • free2beme

    I would say, JW's are more Republican then Democrat. Unless you take it strictly on government assistance, then they are Democrat.

  • ithinkisee

    I think active JWs like to pick the best of both worlds. Like government assistance, but they also value and abuse the law regarding religious freedom - which is arguably republican I guess.

    I think most exJWs would be considered Democrats, since Dems seem to be the "tolerant" party. (Again, this is arguable I suppose).

    Unless the exJWs go the Born Again route, then they might be Republican.

    I guess there's really no generalizing.


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