Remembering my readings in the past, I recall a J. Emery of the old London Tabernacle . Correct me if I'm wrong, but I beleive he was in charge of the work of the WTB&TS in England from the time of C.T.Russell and J.F. Rutherford.Does anyone know whatever became of him?
What ever became of Bro. J Emery(London)
by Invetigator74 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
died maybe?
I'll have to check....Do you have his first name? Its possible that he stayed with Russell's teachings after Rutherford took over the movement and ditched Russell's teachings, but maybe not.... I know there is an R. S. Emery mentioned in the 1930 Yearbook, was he related to J. Emery? (son?) Also, a Jesse Hemery was vice president of the IBSA in the 1930s.... could he have been your "Emery"?
nelly136 2 pages of bits n bobs on hemery
Hey nelly136,
Thanks for the tip. It was Jesse Hemery. As stated in Wicopedia Hemery was appointed by C.T.Russell in 1901. Held the post until 1946. Was disfellowshipped in 1951. Formed Goshen Fellowship. Passed away in 1955.
leo popped the name and googlicious took care of the rest