AHA!!! I think I've finally got it!

by Lady Lee 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Many of you know of the saga of my foot problems. After 4 years of in depth investigation not one test has shown why my feet are either on fire or numb, or itchy, or swollen etc etc. Not one doctor has .discovered why they can feel all the above at the same time.

    What they do know is that I have two high risk problems - extremely high arches with high instep and Morton's Toe (second toe is longer than the large toe.

    They also know that I've never broken a toe (which surprised me because I have certainly stubbed it enough times) and that I haven't worn high heels in twenty years.

    So my conclusion here is that since the WTS had me walking all over the territory in field service peddling their wares my feet just finally gave out. It must be their fault! Shouldn't it?

    When I first started posting about this I was surprised that so many here have some of the same problems.

    Maybe if I hadn't worn them out I'd still be up and dancing around.

    So a question for you

    How many here have similar problems with their feet?

  • Gadget

    I've got some problems, but they manifested as shin splints. The physio traced it back to a problem in my arches, and gave me special insoles that I have to transfer to whatever shoe I put on to correct. I've had no problems since I started doing that?

    Are they still trying more things to try and fix your feet or have thay given up?



    Morton called..He wants his toe back...OUTLAW

  • nelly136

    dont know about swollen but when my feet itched like mad and it wouldnt go away i washed em in distilled vinegar, they stung a bit then stopped itching, it hasnt come back.

  • Elsewhere

    Damn... outlaw beat me to it!


    ElseWhere..You beat me on the JG Awake cd..We`re even..For now..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • moshe

    My foot problems only started after I joined JWD and started kicking the WT GB- buttocks

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Are they still trying more things to try and fix your feet or have thay given up?

    I think we have all givenh up finding a reason for the problem. I just got back from my doctor. Over the nhext month I will stop taking one medication and then we will try the anti-seizure meds. I don't want to take them all and I don't want to drop one and immediately take a new one. It would be too difficult to determine what benhefits or side-effects are caused by which medication. So other than experiementing to see what works best they have no more to offer - unless the tests from the neurologist come back with something nhew - which we both doubt. Also the orthotics didn't work for me because of the amount of swelling I experience

    Elsewhere and OUTLAW

    I'd be very happy to give Morty his toes back if he takes the pain that goes with it


    I use a cortizone cream on the itch spot. It takes it away almost immediately. Fortunately it doesn't happenh often

  • Kudra

    Mmm, I don't know about that... I know many folks who are in their 50s 60s 70s who run marathons who have no problems...

    But then, they do that cause they choose to and have the physical ability to do that. In your case, field service was not a choice and maybe you should have stopped but did not cause it was something you had to do.

    Best to you and your feet! Hope you get it straightened out soon!


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    You'd have to have a good podiatrist to fix the feet bones problems but the skin problems may be helped with peroxide. I keep peroxide in a spray bottle for hubby. It works to kill the fungi and bacteria I think. Then I use a natural baking soda inside all the shoes regularly. I tend to have skin sensitivites from auto immune disease.

    My science minded husband bought me this lotion that has been the best product I have ever found. I use it as a makeup remover, facial cleaner, moisterizer the whole thing. It is amazing stuff. Peter Gillham's Natural Vitality Cell Rejuvenator www.vites.com it is made with organic sulfur MSM, and all kinds of good stuff.

    Send the bill to the Watchtower with a detailed inventory of what all the door to door work did to your feet.

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