Many of you know of the saga of my foot problems. After 4 years of in depth investigation not one test has shown why my feet are either on fire or numb, or itchy, or swollen etc etc. Not one doctor has .discovered why they can feel all the above at the same time.
What they do know is that I have two high risk problems - extremely high arches with high instep and Morton's Toe (second toe is longer than the large toe.
They also know that I've never broken a toe (which surprised me because I have certainly stubbed it enough times) and that I haven't worn high heels in twenty years.
So my conclusion here is that since the WTS had me walking all over the territory in field service peddling their wares my feet just finally gave out. It must be their fault! Shouldn't it?
When I first started posting about this I was surprised that so many here have some of the same problems.
Maybe if I hadn't worn them out I'd still be up and dancing around.
So a question for you
How many here have similar problems with their feet?