Saw a program about jim morrison and the doors. Apparently, w the help of booze and hallucinogens, he was able to pack a full life into 27 yrs, and influence many young people as well as older. He was a poet, and his poetry appealled to the older and educated. His music and performance attracted the teenies. It reminded me a bit of the beatles. They had a tremendous influence in the lives of young people in their time. They led the way in breaking old taboos and trying new things.
Prophets, in the generic sense, can carry a message, lead the way, invent groundbreaking things and ideas. It's a connotation far removed from the wt idea of prophets of doom and gloom from ggawd. In this broader sense, prophets can be working in various fields, such as science, economics or industry. A few examples could include nikola tesla, william shakespeare, jfk, the guy who invented the internet (not gore, the other one). Do you agree w this idea generally? If so, who are some candidates for the list, and what did they do?