'street-witnessing' encounter today

by stapler99 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • stapler99

    Been in this town for over a year but the preaching effort was weak enough that today was the first time that some JW tries to 'witness' to me. (Maybe because I'd never been up on Saturday morning lol) One middle-aged man, on his own (twould be funny if he was the only one out that morning). He offers me the Watchtower, and starts coming out with his trite 'real meaning of Xmas' lines. I admit that I was a bit taken aback at the start, and I worried that he would go away without me giving him a good antiwitness. However, I pulled myself together.

    I disputed the divine authority of the GB and the WT, pulled out some of the old chestnuts like organ transplants. WIthin a minute he admitted that he thought that JW's didn't have the whole truth, but they were closer than the CoE which was his background. Well, that's not the way to convince me to join his religion! I managed to give him some more knowledge of his religions history, 1914/1915/606/607/year 0, 1874, 1925 and so on. However, in contrast to the usual stereotype, soon he hastilly ended the conversation and walked away.

    Hopefully some of what what I said will grow in his mind, and the blossoming doubt will damage his relationship (slavish devotion) with Jehovah (to the WTS).

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I hope so stapler, no jws speak to me so I don't get that kind of opportunity around here.

    As he didn't want to listen to what you had to say though, it might not affect him much, but we can hope.

  • crazyblondeb

    I have the dreaded red X on their territory cards!! Way to go!!

  • Stephanus
    I have the dreaded red X on their territory cards!!

    "Hic sunt dracones"

  • gymbob

    They won't stop at my house either! They were all over my neighborhood this morning, but i'm still well known by most dubs in town.....So what's a good apostate gonna do? I finished putting up the rest of my Christmas lights!


  • BrentR

    Always remember to be very happy and friendly. If you are bitter and angry then you just reinforce thier dogma about people that leave the flock will never be happy. It sounds simple but it is such a very powerful message that does not need alot of words.

    The JW's that are thinking about leaving need to see us who have left that we are OK and doing very well in fact. IMHO that is the most effective first step because it accomplishes two goals at the same time. That is what first captured my attention and at very young age. I was told that they were unhappy but my non JW dad was not and all the others I knew were not either.

    Actions always speak louder then words, right?

  • Honesty

    I live on a dead-end street.

    Since firing the Governing Body as my spiritual advisors the dubs have only managed the nerve to drive down it three or four times... to point out the Evil Slave's home.

  • Fatfreek

    I was tickled by the mention of that big red x on the territory card.

    I'm curious how they actually adjust those cards for folks who've moved from their current address. It's not like we call them up to advise them, is it?

    They'd need to employ some brothers as CIA-like spies/informants to keep those maps up-to-date. Hmmm ... now you've got me wondering.


  • juni

    FatFreek, hi.

    They'll have you call at those "no call" people after a few years in case they've moved on. Then you make a notation accordingly on the back of the territory card.

    So "no call" doesn't mean you will not be contacted ever again. Only if they know for sure that you are still living there and even then they will have more "mature" publishers call on these to see if there's a change of "heart". Then that publisher gets back to the elders. At least that's how it was years ago.

  • DannyHaszard

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-llW8QUM7g Danny Haszard 'street witnessing'

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