It has now been almost three months since I completely cut off my association with "the brothers," and told my wife that I did not want to be there when the "Kool-Aid" came out. (Remember I had been in full fade mode for over ten years.) At first I got the cold shoulder from the wife for about a month, then things slowly returned to normal. Then about two weeks ago, during a quiet moment, the wife asks...."are you happy?" I responded with, "of course I'm happy. I have never been happier in my life." She didn't say anything more, and neither did I. But I have been wondering what she might have been thinking at that moment. Could it have been...."I wonder if I could be happy without "the truth?" ....or "how can he be happy when he is now going to die at Armeggedon?" I wonder.
A Moment Of Reflection?....
by Justice-One 4 Replies latest jw friends
Hello Justice
After reading your post, it reminded me of how I see my husband seemingly so unhappy...starts an argument everytime he has to go to fellowship with the dubs...and how he can never find anything nice to say abt people in general...I always ask him can you say something nice? After sitting here hours upon hours reading to the point where I'm actually hearing everyones pain, my heart burdens for all the Jdubs even the ex's. He sees me always in a happy state, always smiling, talking to people and they reciprocate...I know for a fact it burns him with jealousy...but 1 day and it wont be long he will Rejoice with me!!! Keep your head up...pray that the scales will be removed from your wife's eyes! Look forward to seeing her happy...and I hpoe I'm not imposing on this website for I see we all have the jdubs incommon....................evette
I left in 83, My wife stayed in the organization till 93. When she left she became more radical than I, she celebrates all the holidays, decorates the house. That's what I mean by radical. Intelectually on spiritual matters, I think she is still a sheep, or at least very shallow.
I dont think any one is going to die at the JW version of Armegeddon.
IMHO I think that is the biggest reason they do not want you to asociate with non JW's. Because you will see alot of peple that are truly happy and not having thier lives dictated by a fear based religion.
If all ex JW's were depressed miserable people don't you think they would want that to be noticed by being around them? They would encourage it.