Is 'Jehovah so selfish..."

by winnie 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • winnie

    Hi all.

    Just wondering....

    JW's state the the reasons for not celebrating birthdays, anniversaries etc is that it takes the focus off Jehovah and onto another person/s for that day.

    My question: Is he so selfish as to not allow each person to celebrate their own special days?

    Also, does the WTBS allow ANYTHING that is remotely considered 'fun' to be celebrated? (Other than assemblies, meetings etc, like they were ever fun!)

    Most of the JW kids I know look miserable. Certainly not like the 'normal, happy little vegemites' that they should be!

  • Mystla

    Fun? I don't think that's allowed. Even wt articles describing "get-togethers" sound boring. I was raised a dub... didn't have much fun. I hated the stupid "bible games" we were allowed to play at kiddie partys, I always felt like everyone could see that I didn't know as much as I should and I felt like an idiot. No fun there.


    ps.. havin some fun now, though

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The scriptures show Satan as being the one who busts up the party - jws say jehoober this an' that about "special days", but it's actually Satan that they're scared of an' obeying with the "no special day" trip

  • evetteto

    Hi Winnie

    I thihk Jehovah Loves us so much...His Word says He knew us while we were being knitted together in our mother's womb He knew us, His thoughts are always of us....If we believe that He is in control than surely He thought specially of the day you were to be born...born in wedlock or not. He is the giver of life. I celebrate my husband's childrens birthday who live with us(another talk show) with the party, cake and gifts...and they go to the kh with him. Last xmas I had a nativity scene set up with all the gifts for him as u think he or the children refused them....NOT!! To sum this up.......CELEBRATE!!!!

  • JWdaughter

    Our group used to play "murder". Which sounds worse than it actually was. We had fun on our sat nite WT studies/party (youth group) until the WT got wind of it and cancelled it. Even though Elders and MS chaperoned every meeting and nothing questionable happened to my knowledge-except when the elder revealed a lot more info about 1975 than they wanted us to know firsthand. He left, the mtg. was cancelled. . .I guess we did something wrong!

  • winnie
    "bible games"

    I remember these well as I was also raised a JW. (And I also remember the 'looks' I got from my parents when I didn't answer one right. From memory it was hours of study later to learn the answers to what I didn't know. Fun...I think not!!!)

    My childrens grandparents have a party each year and all invited are required to participate in such bible games. I think the last one my non-JW children went to they had to draw a picture and do a little 'talk' on something from the bible. I remember my 8 yo looking at me in disbelief, and my others just drawing whatever. The 'party' just turns out to be a mini meeting. And do they kids have fun? Sitting around on the floor, asking permission to breathe? Comparing to my sons last birthday party with his school friends, I don't think the JW parents could cope with a 'normal' party. (I barely did.! LOL)

  • jaguarbass

    Good point, Winnie. I say we start celebrating birthdays and hollidays.

  • reneeisorym

    We had all the same fun the rest of the kids had. We had "kid" parties. It was like all of our birthdays at the same time. All the adults brought all the kids presents. There were about 5 of us and we all got about 5 presents each. We had costume parties ... in the summer instead of in october . LOL I have pictures of me dressed up like a butterfly. We had karaoke parties. We would sing kingdom songs and other songs .. loads of fun. We did dramas. All of the kids in the kingdom hall .. 12th grade and under would do a drama at the local community center. We would practice and practice. I remember how much fun the makeshift costumes were. The beards that were spray-painted cotton balls. Then it all stopped. Somewhere around the time I got to graduation, no one did anything for the kids anymore. Poor things. I have to admit -- I had a fun. I never really fit in but at least we did things.

  • Blueblades

    Who is Jehovah so that I should listen to his voice? Sound familiar? It's all hearsay handed down through the ages. Have a good time, don't worry about what the old book says he said.


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