A tiny entry on the credit side of the ledger

by Duncan 6 Replies latest social current

  • Duncan

    Dear Everyone,

    Sometimes, like probably everyone here, I get to thinking about all the wasted years (not to mention all those countless, endless, slow-motion hours) spent in serving the Watchtower.

    What a waste! In my case 20 years – maybe my 20 best years (age 5 to 25) - utterly wasted time , along with all the missed and spurned opportunities. Do I have anything to show for it - was there any good in it at all? Difficult to see where.

    Which is why it’s such a delight when something happens that, even in just in a tiny way, goes someway to redress the balance. Some good thing, no matter how small, that occurs because you were a Witness, and you have "the truth" to thank for.

    Last night, we went to my sons’ Grammar School Annual Quiz Night. Always a very enjoyable occasion, well attended and keenly contested. We had assembled a pretty hot-shot team this year (8 to a table) including a couple of teachers and a Doctor. We thought - got to be in with a chance, eh?

    It was a close fought thing all the way through, but we were among the leaders all evening.

    Last round. Second-to-last question:

    "What religious group published the best-selling book "The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life"?

    I looked around our table. No one had a clue. Looking around the hall, it was stumping everyone. I couldn’t help but smile.

    Our team won the quiz by a single point. That question did it, basically.

    A case of wine (split 8 ways, but what the hell? – mostly we’re in it for the glory) was ours to take away, and bragging rights for a whole year.

    Like I said, a tiny entry on the credit side of the ledger.


    p.s. dunno how I managed to post this into "current affairs" - it seems that despite my fantastic quiz triumph, perhaps |'m not so smart, after all.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Nice one!

    I don't think any part of our life is a waste, things happen for a reason and some good can even come out of the bad. Sometimes its a long time before we see the reason.

    Hands up - I sometimes have trouble believing that this applies to me too!

  • aniron

    I took part in a pub quiz the other week and the question was "Which religion publishes the Watchtower magazine?"

    Out of maybe 30 people only 4 people got it right, and one of them was me.

    Thats say a lot also about how people think of the WT. After all the millions of Watchtowers printed and distributed, 87% of the people I was with didn't know who published it.

    What does the WT like us to believe that they are on everybodys thoughts! That people are in fear of what they print in the Watchtower!!

  • moshe

    Yes, that little blue Truth book was a best seller for the Watchtower Society, in as it turned out the "FICTION" category.

  • carla

    Really? Best selling book? I find that hard to believe. Maybe the most printed book but best selling???!!

  • NanaR


    Guess the little blue bombshell didn't have a long-lasting effect...

    Congratulations on your win :smile:


  • Junction-Guy

    This post actually brought a smile and a laugh for me. Congratulations on your win. Every now and then I would see a question on a game show that pertains to JW's, and of course I get that answer. There was a jeopardy episode awhile back, and one of the questions involved looking at a picture and naming the object. The picture was a rock formation out in Arizona's Grand Canyon I believe. For some reason this rock formation reminded me of a Watchtower symbol, so I blurted out to my wife-"The Watchtower", and sure enough that was the answer. The name of that rock is called "The Watchtower"


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