"Finding my Freedom from the Religious Tentacles of Fear and Lies."

by scout575 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • scout575

    "My compulsion to research and study Christianity turned into an addiction and I was powerless to stop. On March 21st 2004 I came to the conscious realization I didn't believe in Christianity or the God of the Bible anymore..."

    "Prior to my road to apostasy I couldn't have imagined being an apostate and would have thought it impossible to ever stop believing in Jesus and the Bible. On finding my freedom from the religious tentacles of fear and lies, I considered writing about my experience in detail in order to help others out of the fruit-loop box." ( A quotation from: Ex-Christian.net / Ex-Christian life / How long have you been out of Christianity? / Post# 19 / Poster's username: Double Dee )

  • jaguarbass

    Scout75, I could have written your post. I've had the same experience and I am in the same place.

    I read the bible, not the new world translation, cover to cover 5 times and I realized it was an addiction into the land of lunacy. They call it the gospell because you fall under the god spell. I think when you bs your self the brain releases endorphins which can be addicting. But like many other things in this life it leads no where.

    It could lead somewhere if you like studying the bible become one of those charlatan like televangalist or start a mega church. You could make mucho dinero. Then god the bible and religion can lead you to wealth. As they say here in the states its all about the benjamins. Benjamins= dollars= money. Actually I think hes on a 100$ bill. Benjamin Franklin

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