Darin's experience

by Junction-Guy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Wow, Darin just called me and told me of a real exciting experience he had. You see Darin belongs to Toastmasters, and Toastmasters encourages public speaking. Darin says this guy at toastmasters has been trying to get in touch with him, so finally Darin agreed to meet him at a restaurant before the next toastmasters meeting.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Darin says the guy asked him almost immediately "were you a JW?" Darin says "yes, how can you tell?" he said "well I have family that are JW, and I can pick up on it" Darin was floored. This man's cousin attended our congregation, we knew her and her family. Small world huh?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This man then went on to tell Darin that he too believes it to be a destructive cult. Darin was grinning from ear to ear by then. Darin told this guy that I (Dave) blame JW's for everything, he replied "Does he have reason to? they have destroyed many lives!" Darin was having a ball talking with him, and told him that I would love to have a conversation with him.--This is a really cool update from Darin, and he will keep me informed. Isnt this cool? We actually knew his cousins and went to the same congregation with them. This guy was never a JW himself, but he could spot JW's and XJW's alike.------Dave

  • becca1
  • penny2

    That's annoying! I'd hate to think that people could pick me as an ex-JW!


  • lisavegas420

    What does Darin do that is so JW like? I mean he nice clean looking man..but I wonder what he does or says that made this guy think he was a xjw?


  • Junction-Guy

    I dont have any idea, I will ask Darin when I talk to him again.

  • Junction-Guy

    I talked to Darin again tonight, and he said that he had mentioned being raised a JW in his icebreaking speech on another occasion. He said this man had been wanting to talk with him ever since and finally got the opportunity the other night. So for everyone here we all can breathe a sigh of relief as Darin dont give off any more JW vibes-LOL

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