While responding to another post, I started to wonder how many other current or former elders out there have also seen the high turnover rate among elders. Before I left the JWs a couple of years ago, I was an elder for about 4 years and within that time I saw the local elder body drop from eight to four people. Even before that it seemed that the elder body had a revolving door on it. True, one or two were removed for breaking the rules but others either started to have family problems or they simply got burnt out. Is this still a problem? I feel so sorry for all those guys out there that think that becoming an elder is the “golden ring” only to later find out just how screwed up the WT Society is. Anyone else have similar thoughts or observations?
Elder burn-out
by roybatty 9 Replies latest jw friends
Once one becomes an elder, you think you are in such a coveted position. Isn't it amazing some, after a while realize the WT are just power hungry dictators. They use so-called privileges to set the hook and lead you ragged and tired and will spit you out after years of loyal service. After 10 tears being an elder, I can truly say I hate the WT ways and will never return.
p.s. tears (years) was a typo but I think I'll leave it.
I just heard an elder in a local town (elder for years) disagreed with some policies and stepped down. He is now inactive and looks like a whole new person - tattos and all. Nothing is being done to him either. Interesting.
>>They use so-called privileges to set the hook and lead you ragged and tired and will spit you out after years of loyal service.<<
Yeah, I get a little sick every time on my drive home from work and pass by the new KH and think about the time and work I put into that building only later to find out how much the WT Society benefited from my slave labor. Well, at least it’s by far the ugliest new building in the area (too cheap to put in windows or real wooden doors).
I don’t ever recall any serious talk among us elders on how to help former elders get “back on track.” Most of the time we just commented on how spiritually weak this men were. I guess it’s really no different then working for a large corporation, you’re just another “resource” to be used up. Wish every JW could experience what it’s like to be an elder. -
true, ho chi
G'day Roybatty and co,
Yes, Elder burn-out is a big problem and sometimes quite a spectacle, like the first time I witnessed it as a young pioneer in a country town called Whyalla. Peddling my trusty bike in to the Kingdom Hall carpark just as 'the group' was splitting up to head into the field there is old brother Whitelaw's big yankee V8 car spining out donut style, throwing up a huge cloud of dust, the sisters in the back laughing didn't disturb me as much as the big grin on the old boy's face as he gave me a quick wink and headed off out the gate to preach the good news rural style .. ah they don't make leaders like that anymore. .. Elder burnouts .. yes I know them well ..
uncle burndout ms
Hi unclebruce...I was just wondering where you were.
Hey, I was blonde for a while. BlondeOnBlonde was the sexiest girl on the net .. (not that the blokes around here are easily led by their over inflated egos.)
Cheers, an unc unsure of whom he's addressing.
Yellow wigs create interest where previously there was Nun. Albert Ironstone.
I'm a new Blondie...don't know the ones you knew...
But I have read your posts and enjoyed your reminiscing about the olden days..
Thanks for the compliment and nice to meet you blonde.
Please forgive my torturous reflecting on events from previous lives. (I hope your chosen tag hasn't given you too much trouble here - a few months ago a rouge named Kent Steinhaig died my hair blonde and set me loose on H20 forum - it was great fun and a little disturbing for me to pose and post as a mature woman with frizzy blonde hair and a plunging neckline, breast heaving gently below thin black lace .. I wonder if yeru will ever forgive me? .. I didn't realise us men were mezmerized so easily by a blonde wig and assertive personality. ;)
Best wishes, I've read a few of your posts and enjoyed your sanity .. cheers, unclebruce.
PS: I often wonder where I am too but mostly it turns out to be building a home in the forest .. slowly one rock at a time with no internet to amuse delight or distract me