8 minutes of the knocking documentary

by candidlynuts 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts


    this clip shows 8 minutes or so of the knocking documentary. also provides a link to order it on dvd.

    sorry if this is a repost, i didnt see it posted anywhere else but i could have missed it.

  • aniron

    This why we need an up-to-date version of "Witnesses of Jehovah"

  • heathen

    Man I whish somebody would have called them on the WTBTS deception . One minute they called the dubs fundamental the next unconventional . I don't think you can be both. What was needed was the declaration of facts in which the WTBTS officially denounced judaism in an attempt to distance themselves from the antisemitism. From that 8 minutes all I came away with is , what a load of crap.

  • codeblue

    Would the world love JW if they found out how they will turn on family members IF they ever leave the Jw"s?

    Knocking...needs to know about the persecution JW's impose upon members that chose to leave...........then their documentary would NEVER stand a chance to be seen.

    (angry and mad after seeing that video)

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    What a load of deception. They brag about not fighting and not voting, but man do they litigate. Did Jesus litigate?

    The mother says a parent will never stop loving their child. What if that son had decided to take a blood transfusion? How would they treat him then?

    I would imagine that the Jews would not appreciate that they are pictured as a people who believed that God had abandoned them and that the man pictured had to become a JW to defend God.

    Extremely upsetting.

  • J-ex-W

    To think--not so long ago, I was spreading the same la-la, sing-songy JW propganda...before finding out how they treat [i.e., COVER UP] serious sins [oh, like, say rape or pedophilia] but disfellowship members for smoking or for saying that the WTBTS is wrong on such-and-such doctrinal point.

  • HadEnuf

    I could only watch a few minutes of this nauseating piece of propaganda. Oh yeah...JW's are such supporters of FREEDOM. I wish the "director" or "producer" of this video had asked some of us how our rights and freedoms were taken away by this same group that doesn't practice what it preaches in this video.

    JW's are one of the few groups or organizations that shoot their wounded and leave 'em out to die, so to speak.

  • Tigerman

    Aligning the JW's with jewish war prisoners of WW 2 for propanda purposes is truly tawdry, and degrading to the intellect of everyone who views this trailer.


    Isn`t that nice..Jehovah`s Witness`s don`t fight..The WBT$ owns 50% of the Rand Cam Engine Corp.Rand Cam recieved a 500 million dollar contract with the US Navy..The Jehovah`s Witness`s don`t fight,but the organization that runs them(WBT$) does business with organizations that do.......How do you spell Stupid?..J..e..h..o..v..a..h`s..W..i..t..n..e..s..s`s.. Crazy Eyes ..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • reneeisorym

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HNAQhb3ZIpc"> name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HNAQhb3ZIpc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    This one made me angry because they answered people in the way I remeber -- not really answering them with the whole truth. I remember saying these same things. Scarey.

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