Question about EARLY Watchtower history

by Wild_Thing 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    I found a reference to a magazine called Our Hope from the 1920s and it reads just like early Watchtower mags. Anybody heard of this?

    If you do, maybe you know who Dr. Arno Clemens Gaebelein is? He was supposedly the editor of Our Hope.

    Were either this publication or person connected to the "International Bible Students"?


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Looks like he was an early Zionist type. I didn't read it all, lots of old time religious crap. Google the guy's name and you'll find more.

    Try this one.


  • NanaR

    "I found a reference to a magazine called Our Hope from the 1920s and it reads just like early Watchtower mags. Anybody heard of this?

    If you do, maybe you know who Dr. Arno Clemens Gaebelein is? He was supposedly the editor of Our Hope.

    Were either this publication or person connected to the "International Bible Students"?


    Very interesting :-) I did some googling and came up with the following references:

    His Bible translation and some of his books are found online here (note that this "Christian" site DOES NOT include any of C. T. Russell's books):

    The next two links provide information about Dr. Gaebelein. Wikipedia also provides links that define some of his major ideas:

    Dr. Gaebelein was a Methodist minister. I could find no reference to him having any association with the International Bible Students.

    The "Our Hope" journal was related to the "Hope of Israel" mission. Gaebelein, like Russell, believed in fulfillment of Bible prophecies on the natural Israelites. Gaebelein was also apparently self-educated in Bible languages and produced, among other things, his own English Bible translation and a commentary on the Book of Revelation.

    Reference is made to the magazine "Our Hope" merging with the magazine "Eternity". I found this reference in Wikipedia to a gentleman who wrote for both journals:

    Notice that he identified Jehovah's Witnesses as a cult and wrote extensively about them from that standpoint.

    I do find it very interesting to research the history of late 19th and early 20th century religions. There were MANY Bible scholars pointing to the "end times" during this period of history. But here we are in the 21st century.


  • Wild_Thing

    Wow! Thanks to both of you for your help. I guess new cult leaders were a dime a dozen back then. What made me wonder is when I was looking up old TIME magazine articles, I found an article about him printed in 1927. They quoted him and then the attatched a footnote:

    "One of the first things Christ will do upon his return will be to put Satan literally into the bottomless pit, and then do away with all sickness, all airplanes and all wars. For those Christians who are still alive there will be no death."*

    * "Millions now living will never die" is the hope of International Bible Students (TIME, Aug. 1).

  • garybuss

    My serious look at the Bible Student movement just had to start with looking at William Miller and the Second Advent Christian aggregate after Miller's career ended.

  • RR

    I have some books by Arno Clemens Gaebelein (1861-1945).

    He was a Methodist minister in the USA and travelling speaker.

    He, like Russell and other Advent Christians was a dispensationalist. Two of his books, Revelation, and Analysis and Exposition and Current Events in the Light of the Bible explain the dispenstationalist view of eschatology.

    He also was the editor of Our Hope for a number of years, but there is no relationship with the Bible Student/Watchtower movement.


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