i over heard something about this new revelation book. Does anyone know what the deal is?
whats the deal with the "NEW" revelation book
by looseend 5 Replies latest social relationships
Wasanelder Once
It's just a revised version of the book. The Society released a KM insert listing 73 or so, updates for the book first. Now they are releasing an updated version, or so I'm told by all the slaves I know still attending. It will be soft cover just as all the other books have been.
You're not missing anything.
Releasing a revised version is a good strategy. I forces the faithful to get a new book and hopefully donate, and also makes them remark it, rather than allowing them to skip prestudy for the Book study.
Here is a thread I just did on some of the Revelation changes over the years http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/125809/1.ashx
Bugger! I spent HOURS glueing those little bits of paper over all 'The Old Light'.
It's like having to buy the 're-mastered' CD to get a couple of songs that aren't on the vinyl.
(And don't ask what vinyl is! ;) ) -
Besides, can you imagine if a new bible study was given an old book to attend the meeting and was told left and right that this and that have changed. Without being completely indoctrinated at that point they may wake up to the changes being made after all their false predictions in the past and high tail it out of there.