In my young day , It was recognized that you could not do alternatives to Military Service . I knew older 'Bro's" from the war years who had refused such service . They joked that they had said in effect to the authorities "Of course we want to work on the land, but not if you tell us to do it"
Check this video currently on the WTS own website . It describes the current position and the dilemma that young men still face in some lands .
Click the link on the left "View part one ...Armenia's.....
(In essence, they refuse it because it is under the control of the military although one lad refers to working in a hospital )
For the record the WT has said
However, there are lands where the State, while not allowing exemption for ministers of religion, nevertheless acknowledges that some individuals may object to military service. Many of these lands make provision for such conscientious individuals not to be forced into military service. In some places a required civilian service, such as useful work in the community, is regarded as nonmilitary national service. Could a dedicated Christian undertake such service? Here again, a dedicated, baptized Christian would have to make his own decision on the basis of his Bible-trained conscience."
yb01p.55Asia***"For nearly 50 years, young Witness men in Taiwan have spent lengthy periods in prison because of their determination to maintain Christian neutrality. In recent years remarkable developments have taken place. Since more men were being drafted than could be effectively trained by the military, it was decided that the laws regarding national service would be adjusted to allow for some of the conscripted manpower to be directed to nonmilitary service. Officials used information on what had been done in other lands to accommodate those whose conscience objected to military service. Conscientious objectors who prefer a government-supervised term of nonmilitary work instead of going to prison must indicate that by filling out an application. Under the new arrangement, those who spend the 33 months doing this type of alternative service will have the weekends and apparently most evenings free, allowing them to participate in spiritual activities."