Similarities between The Da Vinci Code and the Watchtower Society

by truthseeker 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    The Da Vinci code is a great movie, but I couldn't help but see some similarities between the Holy Grail and the Watchtower Society.

    For those of you who know nothing about this movie, the Holy Grail is not a chalice but a woman, Mary Magdalene, who supposedly was Jesus' wife.

    As the story goes, this secret had to be hidden by the Catholic Church - for if it had been proven that Jesus was married, the source of Papal authority would have disappeared. Descendants of Jesus living today would have had their DNA matched with that of Mary Magdalene.

    This is all fiction, but the similarity with the Watchtower is this:

    1914 is the Watchtower's most important date. 607 BC may be even more important. For without 607, there is no 1914 and therefore no testing time and Jesus does not select the Watchtower as his faithful and discreet slave.

    I think GB know this, that their sole authority rests on a house of cards and that should 1914 ever be publicly exposed, they will all scream "apostasy" and run.

    Therefore they disfellowship anyone they perceive as a threat to their authority.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I had not thought as deeply as you did about it, but I did think about the similarities.

    The WTS knows that their own doctrines cannot hold up if the total truth were revealed.
    They create committees to remove the problems from their midst.
    There is plenty of evidence available if someone were just able to get past their
    preconceived WT notions, that the foundation of the religion is based on lies.

    I saw the movie, but don't want to waste my time with the book. I have enough
    problems with conspiracy theories about JW's. No time to get hooked on other
    conspiracy theories right now.

  • MadTiger

    The audio book is excellent.

  • jwfacts

    The similarities do not end there. The Watchtower theology started with a Masonic/Adventist background, hence a large number of similar terms and symbols.

  • bluesapphire
    As the story goes, this secret had to be hidden by the Catholic Church - for if it had been proven that Jesus was married, the source of Papal authority would have disappeared.

    The whole story is a non-sequitur because proving that Jesus was married and has a lineage doesn't = no Papal authority.

    There are plenty of arguments for and against Papal authority but this is NOT a good one!

    So YOU'RE RIGHT! They DO have a lot in common with the Watchtower Society in that their argumentation is rediculous.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The whole story is a non-sequitur because proving that Jesus was married and has a lineage doesn't = no Papal authority.


    That said, you would need to read the book or the other books that helped it come about.
    There would be repurcussions if it were revealed CLEARLY that the church conspired to
    cover up truth, and that religious beliefs held by millions were clearly in need of altering.

    BUT, other truths have been clearly proven and have not influenced the religions or governments
    or businesses that should have changed. Just look at Jehovah's Witnesses. (Many doctrines are proven false)
    So bluesapphire, in many ways, you are correct.

  • JWdaughter

    Book was MUCH better than the movie. Researching some of the 'facts' was interesting. There is a LOT of fiction in the story, but it is fascinating fiction.

  • inbyathread

    I know that this is a book of fiction. Thought I'd dig up this thread again and post a very interesting portion of the book

    "In terms of prophecy," Teabing said, "we are currently in an epoch of enormous change. The millennium has recently passed, and with it the two-thousand-year-long astrological Age of Pisces - the fish, which is also the sign of Jesus. As any astrological symbologist will tell you, the Piscean ideal believes that man must be told what to do by higher powers because man is incapable of thinking for himself. Hence it as been a time of fervent religion. Now, however, we are entering the Age of Aquarius - the water bearer - whose ideals claim that man will learn the truth and be able to think for himself. The ideological shift is enormous, and it is occuring right now."

    Langdon felt a shiver. Astrological prophecy never held much interest or credibility for him, but he knew there were those in the Church who followed it very closely. "The Church calls this transiitional period the End of Days."

    Sophie looked skeptical. "As in the end of the world? The Apocalypse?"

    "No." Langdon replied. "That's a common misconception. Many religions speak of the End of Days. It refers no to the end of the world, but rather the end of our current age - Pisces, which began at the time of Christ's birth, spanned two thousand years, and waned with the passing of the millennium. Now that we've passed into the Age of Aquarius, the End of Days has arrived."

    It's no wonder that the WTS didn't want anyone to read this book. They didn't want us to know where they got their information.

    My thanks to the author and apologies if he feels that this is a copyrite infringement. It is for commentary use.

  • Gill

    They've ALL got a lot to hide, meaning all religions.

    However, the majority of people are totally stupid, and will accept just about anything they are told and are also unwilling to make the effort to research anything. As long as 99% of the human race remains so stupid, religion will continue to abuse them!

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