Watchtower teaches how to fade

by JH 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JH

    When I stopped going to meetings, I faded away slowly. We always tend to think that we are the ones who faded away and that the JW's in general wanted us to stay.

    But if you think about it, the elders, MS, and every good JW who still attend meetings, are also the ones fading. The only difference is that they are fading the people who left. Instead of trying to keep in touch and help a brother or sister to come back, they fade their love and past friendships because the Watchtower says so.

    When I left, no ordinary witness came over to try to make me come back or show love and sincere friendship. Their love for me as an individual faded away faster than I did the fade from the Organization.

  • fokyc

    Their love for me as an individual faded away faster than I did the fade from the Organization.

    How true! I stopped attending in 1994 and none of the local cong. have bothered about me since.

    I did have a visit from a CO a few years ago, he made suggestions to the local elders on dealing with the situation, which to this day they have declined to do.


  • Honesty

    It's easy to fade....unless you are a bigmouth likr me who can't keep his mouth shut when faced with injustice, lies, false doctrines, concealed child abusers....

    Did I tell you it's easy to fade?

  • kwintestal

    Its funny when you show up after a long period of not and everyone tells you how much they missed you. You missed me? A two minute phone call to say so and let me know would have been nice, instead of this convienient reminder of me standing right here in front of you.


  • reneeisorym

    It wasn't easy for me to fade. I was a 5th generation JW and every family member (half of the congregation) noticed when I wasn't there and would call the next day asking what happened.

    And then too ... I have that big mouth problem.

  • SB

    i like the letters i've received (by like, i mean gag me). i've gotten three now, about how satan is going to swallow me whole, and that "with Jehovah's help, we can overcome anything". the only reason JW's think you "fade" is b/c life must be really stressful right now, satan has you in his snares! besides the death warning letters, i've received about six phone calls from the same two people, who happen to be very zelous crazy sisters, one phone call from an elders wife in my old cong. i told her that i was not going to the KH anymore, and we talked briefly about her, then i ended the conversation w/an excuse. her elder husband never called me. my life must not be that important, i guess. definately, no one was in a rush to "save me from the wolves".

    on a side note, i "love" quotation marks.


  • yaddayadda

    Yep, shows that JW 'love' is totally conditional on meeting attendance and going door-knocking on a saturday morning.

    Stop those things and they will forget you quicker than you can say lickety-split.

    Gives the lie to the claim that they have 'love among themselves' like no other religion has.

  • Hannah
    Yep, shows that JW 'love' is totally conditional on meeting attendance and going door-knocking on a saturday morning.

    How true this is. What about Jesus' words at Matthew 18:12-14?

    12 "What do YOU think? If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? 13 And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell YOU, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed. 14 Likewise it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish.

    Isn't this scripture taught at the "elder" school? Doesn't any JW "shepherd care about what Jesus is saying in this scripture? This has always made me want to scream and shout and kick and jump up and down and .....

  • Abandoned

    Big mouth problem? *sheepishly raises hand*

  • JH

    My title should have been, "Watchtower shuns faster than you can run"

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