they have turned to the world (aka darkside ) and will end up becoming terrible horrible people !?????
Well that is what one JW told a fellow workmate of my husbands .
A couple of days ago my hubby and I were looking at toys in the store when a JW( former friend of ours) stopped to chat with us .We said nothing about the gifts being for xmas (unless she over heard our personal conversation ). She went home though and told her husband that we are in fact now celebrating Christmas . Her husband works in the same department as my husband, just a different shift . My husband has been home sick for two days when he goes back yesterday to work a mutual workmate told him what the witness said . This workmate said the witness told him ' Once a witness goes back into celebrating holidays ect...they will end up turning into terrible associates .'(dog returning to it's vomit ) This workmate was disgusted and told the witness "I haven't seen any evidence that *@*@ has changed , and if he wants to buy gifts for his neices and nephews ..more power to him ! " I guess he said a few more things to the JW I don't know what it was though . One thing he did metion to my husband was that, " The JW 's family sure is into gossip arn't they "