Has anybody ever seen the article in the Saturday Evening Post called "Armageddon, Inc"? I can't post it due to copyright issues, but if you have access to a library or university archives, it is definitely worth it! It was printed in 1940, but other than the references to the "Judge" it reads like it was printed yesterday! It is 7 pages long and covers the history of Russell and Rutherford and has several pictures ... some quite hilarious. One of them is a picture I have seen on the internet of Rutherford with his "bodyguards".
The article begins:
OR conscientious cussedness on the grandscale, no other aggregation of Americans is a
match for .lehovah"s Witnesses. Defiance of
what others cherish and revere is their daily meat.
And I can't resist posting this picture. Hilarious! If you can't tell, the old lady is holding a hearing horn up to her ear. The caption below says : "How's that again? The officer is having a difficult time telling this Witness she can't distribute literature without a permit."