JW article "Armageddon, Inc." in the Saturday Evening Post

by Wild_Thing 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    Has anybody ever seen the article in the Saturday Evening Post called "Armageddon, Inc"? I can't post it due to copyright issues, but if you have access to a library or university archives, it is definitely worth it! It was printed in 1940, but other than the references to the "Judge" it reads like it was printed yesterday! It is 7 pages long and covers the history of Russell and Rutherford and has several pictures ... some quite hilarious. One of them is a picture I have seen on the internet of Rutherford with his "bodyguards".

    The article begins:


    OR conscientious cussedness on the grand

    scale, no other aggregation of Americans is a

    match for .lehovah"s Witnesses. Defiance of

    what others cherish and revere is their daily meat.

    And I can't resist posting this picture. Hilarious! If you can't tell, the old lady is holding a hearing horn up to her ear. The caption below says : "How's that again? The officer is having a difficult time telling this Witness she can't distribute literature without a permit."

  • Gordy
  • Wild_Thing

    Thank you, Gordy. Yes, that is the article! It doesn't have the pictures, but just the words are worth having. Rutherford was like a worshipped celebrity. I think he should get full credit for starting the JW cult ... not Russell. It makes me nausous! I wonder how many JW women secretly wanted to throw their panties at him.

  • Wild_Thing

    Guess what! I found it online ... the original with all the pics!


  • Gordy
  • Gordy

    Sorry I can't get the above to appear any bigger

    Anyone know how?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Fascinating that in 1940, JW's were totally recognized as a profit-making

    Also fascinating that another publisher said he could charge less than
    WTS and make a profit on the literature they placed. It also helps that
    the distributors of the literature had to pay for it first and work for free.
    That worked great until they stopped forcing the payment first and hoped
    to pressure the free workforce to keep paying anyway.

    I thought about their "pay-for-the-literature-first" policy. That's the only
    reason they were able to say, NO COLLECTIONS TAKEN. They collected
    thru the literature, and the Brooklyn Org. wasn't making money off the local
    Kingdom Hall donations, so what did they care? The assemblies are still
    profitable, so they just have to push JW's to go, and make cheaper literature.

    Great story observation about Russell and Rutherford's wives. Divorce and
    "I don't know where his family are." Same org. today that would DF a man
    for such actions.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Interesting article, thanks for posting it

    The part about the phonographs with a 'surprise' compartment for watchtowers and a drawer for sandwiches made me chuckle.

    The catholic-forum site is a great resource for JW history. I'd never seen it before but it's got some good early stuff there.

  • sass_my_frass

    Oh they would have loved that article. "Persecution, see!? It proves we're god's chosen!!"

  • Undecided

    I remember those phonographs well. I could barely carry one. You had to wind up the spring to make it run. It had a 78 rpm plastic record that would break if dropped.

    Something funny happened one day when my dad played it to a black family. My dad was darked skin and had a good tan in summer. He had talked about where he was raised in Virginia during the conversation.. One of the housholders said to him, "What are you Virginia Nigers gona think of next". He came back to the car laughing.

    Ken P.

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