Christmas, Yule, Solstice, Hannukah...

by BlackSwan of Memphis 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Ramadan, Festivus etc......

    What are you celebrating?

    What does your holiday or tradition mean to you?

  • hambeak

    time to relax and be away from work for an extra day, enjoying the season, learning to be happy

  • Country_Woman


    And I wish all of you a merry Christmas and a splendid New Year.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Country Woman: that is some cool photoshop!

    time to relax and be away from work for an extra day, enjoying the season, learning to be happy

    I think that makes a lot of sense. I could go on for an entire page about my thoughts regarding Christmas and the Winter Solstice. But really it is just summed up well by saying that it is about hope in the form of light coming out of the darkness.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I'm going to try to btt this and see if we can get anymore responses!

  • diamondblue1974
    But really it is just summed up well by saying that it is about hope in the form of light coming out of the darkness.

    Absolutely, couldnt have said it better myself other than an obvious time to relax and enjoy the time away from work. DB74

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Absolutely, couldnt have said it better myself other than an obvious time to relax and enjoy the time away from work.

    Thanks Gary!

    I think the important thing about getting away from work is that it helps us reevaluate our priorties a bit.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hi Honey,

    I too, loved this

    But really it is just summed up well by saying that it is about hope in the form of light coming out of the darkness.

    I sent out a Jesus card about the light of the world.. and how in a tiny heart lies the hope of the world, (speaking of Jesus in the manger)... I sent you the one on peace.. I had a wonderful time tonight with my brother and his family.. and we went to the Methodist church service. They bought us presents.. and I got to know my boys some more.. (nephews).. When I was a witness, I was enstranged from my brother and fam for 25 years..from the fact that I was a witness and other things.. but I didn't fight for my brother because I was a witness, and didn't celebrate anything anyways..

    Merry Christmas.. and Love you...


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