I never understood why the dubs believe that jesus has to be a angel and not part of godship.It clearly states in john:1:1,In the beginning the Word was,and the Word was with god,and the Word was god.The dubs like to add the letter a to make it say,and the word was a god,but this is not correct.Now does this mean that Jesus is Jehovah?Of course it doesn't.It's like me saying in the beggining the woman was,and the woman was with man,and the woman was man.Now this doesn't mean that the woman, who was Eve, was the man Adam.Was not the woman made from man?thus she was called woman.So it shows as the bible states that they must become one flesh,which doesnt mean they actually are one person.Mark:10:6 says,''However,from the beginning of creation he made them male and female,on this account a man will leave his father and mother,and the two will become one flesh,so that they are no longer two,but one flesh''.Adam and Eve had the same nature but because one was the decision maker and the other was to be in perfect subjection,they were only one flesh.If Eve where to chose her own way(which she later did)that would make two decision makers and thus they would no longer be acting as one enity.To act as one enity there can only be one decsion maker,the other must be the submissive agent.Just like the head of the woman is man,the head of the man if christ,thus the head of the christ is Jehovah.The father is the source for all decisions,this is the difference between the father and the son as John:5:19 says,Therefore,in answer,Jesus went on to say to them:''Most truly I say to you,The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative,but only what he beholds the Father doing.Basically,Jesus is saying that he is not equal to his father who can do things on his own.But,the point is Jesus cant act''from himself'',he can only act from his father.To act''from himself'',would mean that he was independent of his father and therefore could not be truly equal to his father.Jesus is answering the accusations by claiming perfect harmony with his father.Therefore,the father is the source of all decisions,and the son is the perfect agent of those decisions.This is why Jesus is equated as being one with the father because Jesus can do nothing from himself.He can only carry out the fathers will and he does it perfectly.This proves that Jehovah and Jesus act as a single entity,a single being, the one true god.They are both deity,they have the same essential attributes of immorality,having the authority to judge and give life.They are both credited with making the universe,their glory is one.But,the father and son are two persons.They each have a different role,one is the source of all authority and decisions,the other is the perfect agent or servant.This explains why Jesus does not know those things that are for the father to decide and so must receive that knowledge from him.It explains why Jesus is in perfect submission to his father and his head.It explains how the father can be greater than the son.It explains how jesus could be god and yet have a god.Hebrews 5:8 says,''although he was a son,he learned obeidence from the things he suffered''.If jesus had been an angel in heaven prior to coming to earth,he would have already have known obedience.But this verse says he learned obedience by coming to earth.Why did jesus have to learn obedience?If he were god would he not already know?The answer is NO!All creatures know and experience obedience.God is the only one that does not know obedience because he cannot experience it,he can only observe it.Likewise, Jesus does not know sin because he cannot experience it,he can only observe it.So,although jesus was submissive and had OBSERVED obedience in angels,he had never experienced obedience until he accepted the consequences of sin,the sin of others.So Jesus cannot be a angel,to futher prove this look at hebrews 1:13-14:it says''But with reference to which one of the angels has he ever said,sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet,are they (angels)not all spirits for public service,sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation.''Its a rhetorical question,it means no angels would ever sit at his right hand,thus proving Jesus could not be a angel.And also look at Hebrews 2:5,it says,''For it is not to angels that he has subjected the inhabited earth to come,about which we are speaking.''You can clearly see that Jesus could not be a angel,but he is deity with the almighty god.
Jesus is the arch-angel Michael?
by seekingtruth 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You might find it interesting to note that the Watchtower has not always denied worship of Jesus. While the organization has always adhered to Arianism, up until the 40's it taught that while Jesus was merely an angel it was still somehow proper to worship Him. That's why it states as such in the Watchtower charter to this day (since it was last amended back in the 40's).
Star Moore
Hi Seeking Truth:
You said
So Jesus cannot be a angel,to futher prove this look at hebrews 1:13-14:it says''But with reference to which one of the angels has he ever said,sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet,are they (angels)not all spirits for public service,sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation.''Its a rhetorical question,it means no angels would ever sit at his right hand,thus proving Jesus could not be a angel.And also look at Hebrews 2:5,it says,''For it is not to angels that he has subjected the inhabited earth to come,about which we are speaking.''You can clearly see that Jesus could not be a angel,but he is deity with the almighty god
Yes, it was not to angels that he has subjected the inhabited earth to come, because at the time, the earth was subjected to a man..who conquered the world.. An earthling man.. -
Not even the watchtower has proven that, let alone Jesus being the fallen angel of the bottomless pit