Article about Jehovahs witness child abuse coverups, can you help me to point out the apostate lies?

by defender of truth 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Within the organization, the Watchtower has final say over who is considered a serial child abuser. According to a 2012 Watchtower memo: “Not every individual who has sexually abused a child in the past is considered a ‘predator.’ The (Watchtower), not the local body of elders, determines whether an individual who has sexually abused children in the past will be considered a ‘predator.’ ”

    When his case against the Witnesses concluded in October, a judge awarded Lopez $13.5 million, a remarkably large sum in an era of frequent payouts in abuse cases. The decision rested in part on the Witnesses’ refusal to hand over documents in the case, prompting the frustrated judge to ban the organization from making a defense.

    The Lopez case was remarkable for another reason. It forced the Witnesses into a rare admission: Somewhere within the organization, there is a trove of documents with the names and whereabouts of known child sexual abusers in its U.S. congregations.

    "During the trial, a senior official from the Jehovah’s Witnesses headquarters, Richard Ashe, told Lopez’s attorney, Irwin Zalkin, that the organization had collected and electronically scanned internal documents on decades of known abuse cases. Ashe said that the Witnesses keep their child sexual abuse reports in a Microsoft SharePoint database but that it would take years to extract.."

    "Zalkin called in a software expert who testified that by using simple search terms, the Witnesses could produce the information in less than two months, or maybe two days. At that point, the Watchtower simply refused to provide the database."

    During Lopez’s trial, Ashe testified that the Watchtower instructs elders that child abuse must be kept confidential.

    “And it directs that that should be kept confidential from prosecuting authorities?” Zalkin asked.

    “Yes,” Ashe responded.

  • jhine

    What strikes me about all of this is that every case of the WT being taken to court is in America . This seems to mean that there is legislation that they can hide behind . Does anyone know if any lawsuits have been brought in England , or anywhere else , where it might be easier to make them " come clean "


  • DesirousOfChange

    What strikes me about all of this is that every case of the WT being taken to court is in America .

    Where else could a lawyer get a $13 million or $20 million judgement?

    They're lawyers. It's all about the money. They aren't doing it to expose WTs flawed policy.


  • brandnew
    To me, and i hope many others.......if you sexually molest a child, you are the lowest of life forms. You are marked for life as a predator. You should never be let out of prison. You should never ,ever, ever be allowed near a child for the rest of your lame life. Just sayin.
    Link / -0


    I'm not sure that I agree with you entirely. Yes, money is involved because it's the way of the world. I believe there are moral people out there, Lawyers and Jurors, Judges, Police, who want to see justice done.

    I don't want to derail the topic. Anyway, as DOT said, the WT decides who is a predator. That removes all the power from the local BOE. The WT says to keep it confidential and to only all the authorities unders two conditions:

    1) You have already contacted the legal department.

    2) The legal department has told you that you are in a reporting State.

    Also, for legal protection, NEVER tell anyone that they cannot report child abuse to the Authorities. This makes the WT look good on paper. The chances of a sheeple reporting are slim, because of the way the system is designed.


  • defender of truth
    defender of truth
    Has anyone read the article? It contains just the facts, from nine months of investigation.. Excellent work by the author.
  • jhine

    Yes dot , I did read the article and I agree with you . I cannot see any apostate lies only facts .


  • gda
  • NYJaye
    I've been reading a lot on the JW society and I get that molestation and rape come with the yelling and screaming fight back die if you have to, two witness rule crap..and to report it to the elders and all they deal with it BS My question is. What if a woman man child were raped or molested by someone outside of the JW organization? Would the same rules apply or would they not need to seek advice, have to prove they fought and screamed and didn't need two witnesses? I also want to know isn't it against the law to harbor a rapist or child molester? Shouldn't they be held accountable for this? Not just money wise but serve time in jail?

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