Jehovah's word is the truth. Jesus said that his holy spirit would eventually guide his faithful ones into "all the truth." During the interim before the congregation is guided into all the truth we only have ****part of the truth**** . That's what Paul admitted in the 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians. He said that we only have partial knowledge and that our view of Christ was like looking into a hazy metal mirror. When Jesus arrives however, he guides his faithful ones into all the truth and we see him as if face-to-face. You have unfortunately been one who has stumbled over the things of *****error that we are saddled with at this time*****. But that's your choice. You can choose to focus on the teachings of the evil slave or the faithful slave. The evil slave is the fault finder and slanderer, and most of you obviously are his disciples. / You Know
Joelbear asks
Don't all religions have "part of the truth". What percentage of beliefs have to be true before a religion becomes "the truth". If partial truth is all that is required maybe all people who are earnestly seeking truth are the faithful slave and maybe we will all have truth revealed to us at the same time?
If the FAITHFUL slave teaches FALSEHOODS and REFUSES to accept CORRECTION AND DISCIPLINE, this slave puts the BLAME on others who CANNOT DO A THING ABOUT IT, and I refuse to listen to this "FAITHFUL" slave because he CONTINUES to carry on his FALSEHOODS, this means I am going to be destroyed in Gehenna.
This is why You Know is, and always will be full of shit.
For some time now I have had the same thoughts. The organisation has claimed that it has the truth but has continually changed this truth which indicates to me that at no point did they have the whole truth. Therefore you would have to conclude that they have only had and still only have partial truth. I prayed to God when I left the org. for an answer to the question of whether the org. was the truth. The thought came into my head at that moment to look up Matthew 25 which I then did and saw it in a different light. The scripture talks about the master paying his slaves and he gives different values of monies to different slaves. The org. applies this to individuals from within the anointed class saying that they all have different talents. When I read this scripture after praying I now understood it to mean different faithful and discreet slave groups and this lead to my understanding of why Jesus warned of a faithful and discreet slave going wrong and becoming the evil slave.
I now understand this to mean that he gave different levels of truth to different religions which have broken off from the man of lawlessness (the first century Christianity that had gone wrong). So he expected more from those that had the most truth but they were in the most danger of turning into the evil slave class. To tie in now with your thought this indicates that no religion would have the whole truth but that many would have partial truth and would all be equal in Jesus' sight.
I now see other churches in a new light and if you think about it the followers of these churches go, not for a reward, but because they love God and Jesus. The JWs have a reward very much in mind and I think motivation is very important to God in identifying people who love Him.
Another thought I had is that the org. claims to have the truth due to holy spirit but that no other religion has this holy spirit because God is only with one religion. Why then do the Christadelphians have nearly the same beliefs as JWs? If the org. got their beliefs from God by having direction from Him how did these directionless Christian religions get to nearly the same conclusions without divine help? To me this was another indication of the fact that several branches of Christianity are headed in the same direction and are acceptable to God because He has given them different levels of truth. The witnesses do not have a monopoly on the truth and indeed do not have the whole truth as they claim. If they had the whole truth they would never change it.