I posted a few months ago, explaining how my long-time boyfriend, who is a JW, was not willing to compromise with my beliefs and lifestyle.
Anyways, we have since broken up, but are still good friends. He continues to insist that I start another bible study, but I tell him, I won't because he hasn't answered many of my questions, which include 1914, the 144,000, etc. (which I definitely don't believe). I also said I want these questions answered from outside sources besides the WT.
I've tried to come up with ways to get him to understand his religion isn't the truth, but I don't think it is possible, as I'm sure many of you understand.
Anyways, I asked him this question the other day:
"If your faith is the truth, why do you constantly update your faith (ie: with things such as the new Revelation book), meaning things that you claim are the definite truth now, may be completely different in 5 years? How could I ever believe anything in your faith was true, if it's constantly changing?"
He had a hard time answering this, and maybe I shed some "new light" on to him. I hope I typed the question in a way that made sense!