So JW's don't "celebrate" Christmas. What exactly does it mean to "celebrate Christmas"? Also, what are the dates (let's say between Thanksgiving and New Years) which JW's are forbidden to give/exchange gifts? (I know they can always receive them.) Is it during this entire stretch (Thanksgiving to New Years) that any gift giving would be viewed as 'celebrating' Christmas? Any 'light' on this subject would be appreciated.
When is it ok to give gifts?
by Hoping4Change 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There is no rule; each JW supposedly makes their own decision. If you are not a JW, I would not wrap the gift in Xmas paper. JWs tend to strain out the gnats but gulp down the camel.
Does that mean it would be ok for JWs to exchange gifts, wrapped in simple, clearly non-Christmas themed paper, on December 24 or 26 (or how about 22), so long as it was not done around a Christmas tree?
Why not? Remember that the WTS has the "stumbling" rule. If someone ELSE might be offended, then JWs may be pressured not to do it. JWs have many ways to get around their "rules." If you have been reading this DB for any length of time, you must be aware of it.
What offends one JW may not offend another. You won't know until you do it and you will drive yourself nuts asking what they think. Just do the kind thing and what you think God approves of. Love never fails.
Blondie -Thanks. I ask because I have recently watched someone agonize terribly over this and was wondering if there was ever any clear direction given by the WTBTS. But of course that is kind of an oxymoron, isnt it; "clear direction by the WTBTS".
Officially, the WTS never takes a position on such things; they leave it up to the elders, other JWs in your congregation to "monitor" the consciences of people in the congregation. It keeps everybody guessing and wondering what to do. Can you understand why many older JWs just decide to have "no blood" at all rather than try and figure out the unwritten rules and damn themselves to Gehenna (tongue-in-cheek)?
If a JW really has a personal relationship with God with Christ being the only go-between, it doesn't matter what the WTS, the elders, or other JWs think...they don't have the power of life and death over Christians.
I will get off my soapbox but that is all it is. Taking responsibility for one's own life not handing it over to some human on earth.
From the time that I was a child, when many of Rutherford's era were still alive and still very outspoken about the evils of Xmas, til now when most JWs don't really know just how dogmatic they used to be about the holidays, a lot has changed. Now Xmas is more of an inconvenience to most JWs who have to learn to tread lightly so as to not offend anyone with their "XMas if of Satan" claptrap whereas just a few decades agoa, JWs went door to door on Xmas day to try to "enlighten" people that they were being fooled by Satan to celebrate something pagan.
My memories of Xmas as a JW kid were not all that pleasant. It wasn't just that one day that had to be dealt with, it was the entire season. I remember as a kid that I couldn't accept gifts that were obviously Xmas gifts. I remember having to tell people that I didn't celebrate Xmas and couldn't take their gift. Of course that led to the question, "why" to which I was supposed to go into great detail about how Xmas is pagan and from Satan.
As I got older, I started accepting the gifts and without mentioning that I didn't celebrate, though if pressed I would admit it. But I wouldn't take them home right away. I'd get rid of the Xmas wrapping and keep the gift in my locker at school until Xmas season was past and then sneak it in and leave it in my room as if it had always been there.
When I was out on my own, I usually avoided the subject of Xmas but if anyone bought me a gift I accepted and apologized profusely for not having bought them one. If anyone asked about my celebration of Xmas, I usually just said something about not really caring all that much for the holiday, though I loved the lights and the parties.
Over the years, I've noticed a relaxing of how JWs treat Xmas in general. While they may not "celebrate" or have trees, lights or exchange gifts, I see them going to office parties, family parties, neighborhood parties, accepting gifts readily without batting an eyelid. A lot of them will go to some lengths so as to not appear different, but at the same time put up a different appearance in front of their fellow JWs of despising Xmas and speaking ill of it.
As for buying gifts for others around Xmas but not necessarily meaning it to be a Xmas gift, each family kind of had its own rules.
My family was pretty conservative. We even avoided visiting non-JW releatives during the month of December or early January. Our parents didn't buy much of anything for us kids during that period so as to not "confuse" us about it being a Xmas gift, as if we were that stupid to begin with.
Other families that I knew had more relaxed rules. One family made the pilgrimmage to the shopping centers and malls along with the throngs of Xmas worshippers on Black Friday. They'd make good on the good sales and immediately give their newfound booty to family and friends. Others waited for the day after Xmas. One family I knew went shopping the day after every major holiday and snapped up all the holiday candies and gifts at 1/2 price and distributed them to their kin.
Yet another family used a family member's wedding anniversary as the time for all the family to exchange gifts and have parties. The wedding anniversary happened to be on December 24th. Convenient, huh?
my witness boyfriends son who is not a witness himself, gave my b/f a digital camera a couple of days before christmas and that was fine with him day comes along and my b/f is invited to another witness household to eat hams stuffing scallop potatoes and all the goodies(noooo turkey!!!!) and to play games...but beware..they arent celebrating lolol..funny bunch!
A Paduan
As far as I can tell, "celebrating christmas" means utilising decorations, a tree, wrapping paper and presents on christmas morning.
- Having the day off and whooping it up in the pool with friends over, and drinking / eating etc. is not "celebrating christams"
- Giving presents on the day before or after is not "celebrating christmas"
- Having a holiday with everyone else is not "celebrating christams"
It seems to be isolated mainly to decorations.
This is similar to what it has seemed to me. I'd even go so far as to say that wrapping paper is fine so long as it doesn't have pictures of Santa or angels on it. Thanks all, for the replies.