The Watchtower's Bizarre Omissions

by metatron 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    There must be quite a lot that goes on behind the scenes of the facade of Watchtower conformity. Two examples:

    The Society published "Worship the Only True God" which was merely a re-edited version of the "United in Worship" book.

    In this book, they specifically removed the chapter on blood transfusion. Yet, in the passage of years since, they have lied ( in Europe)

    and then re-emphasized the blood issue in the latest book and then offered the KM on blood fractions. I spoke with one C.O. and they

    are as cruelly fanatical as ever.

    Here's another:

    The Society omitted all reference to disfellowshipping in their latest book ( "What Does the Bible Really Teach") This occurred

    despite the fact that the book specifically directs people to ask to be baptized AND previous study publications were at least

    minimally ethical enough to warn people about disfellowshipping. No longer!

    Are they deliberately and consciously lying? or actually trying to change so slowly that no one notices? or is one faction asserting itself

    and another one fighting against it?

    Go figure. I think Occam's Razor tells me that lying is the simplest explanation.


  • truthseeker


    Good points. They also remove any references to "the faithful and discreet slave" and leave all the hardcore doctrine of JW's to the appendix in the dumbed down "Bible Teach" book.

    They do not mention the Watchtower Society and leave people the impression that there exists a loosley organized federation of true Christians instead of the organized book publishing and real estate business empire.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Metatron,

    Please refer to UZZAH'S comments on the following link. They should give first-hand insight and confirmation of what is no surprise to us. His words gave closure to my suspicions. The bottom line: twisting words or eliminating them to suit the needs of the moment/giving a false picture of who JWs REALLY are - expediency:

    [Re: telling lies in child custody cases]

    Hoping that you find this information useful,


  • sf

    Met, surely you jest.

    'Lettuce' ask EDUARDO about The Lying Watchtower and The Liars that represent and/ or MISrepresent.


  • M.J.

    Good point. This is the closest reference to disfellowshipping in the Bible Teach book:

    *** bh chap. 18 p. 179 Baptism and Your Relationship With God ***



    Some hold back from making a dedication to Jehovah because they are somewhat afraid of taking such a serious step. They may fear being accountable to God as a dedicated Christian. Being afraid that they may fail and disappoint Jehovah, they think that it is best not to make a dedication to him.

  • blondie

    For those of us who were adult JWs before 1986 or so, we remember how the WTS hammered it into us that a creative day was 7,000 years long. Since about 1986, the WTS has ignored that and uses the ambiguous "thousands of years."


  • OnTheWayOut

    The accepted definition of a mind-control cult fits here:

    A mind-control cult is a group that uses deceptive recruitment tactics
    and coercive measures to retain members.

    They deceive by omitting the FDS and disfellowshipping information.
    They retain members by telling them what they were baptized into and
    what leaving would mean.

  • JimWood

    You all make it sound like they constantly change their minds and redefine stuff as they need. I disagree, look how they spoke of the clergy back in the 1918 Kingdom News No. 1.(see 11/1/89 wt)

    "a bigoted class of men who have systematically endeavored to prevent the people from understanding the Bible and to throttle all Bible teaching unless it comes through them."

    Or wait, are they talking about they selves now....

    maybe they got a prophesy right for once.

  • Confession

    About 9 or 10 years ago I was studying with an attorney. A sharp guy who, as it turns out, had a pathetic crush on troubled, ne'er-do-well, disfellowshipped girl. He just wanted to get baptized as soon as possible so he could get married to her. It was clear though that she had no intention of marrying him; just stringing him along as he paid both for her apartment and expenses during this time. Anyway, I was trying to get him through the Knowledge book, but felt so strange trying to explain the 144,000 and FDS. At the time we were being cautioned not to spend a lot of time, bringing in auxiliary material. But the explanations about these teachings in the book were so elementary, it was ridiculous. I felt so embarassed trying to move this guy to accept what amounted to gratuitous assertions by the WTS.

    I thought, "Isn't our belief in these things so critical to concluding we have "The Truth?" Doesn't their importance merit a better explanation than the pre-school level expressions in the book? To this day, I cannot imagine a person of even average intelligence reading the material, putting on a zombie smile, and saying, "Wow! So the FDS is ONLY working through the Watchtower Society?! Sign me up!!!"

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