There must be quite a lot that goes on behind the scenes of the facade of Watchtower conformity. Two examples:
The Society published "Worship the Only True God" which was merely a re-edited version of the "United in Worship" book.
In this book, they specifically removed the chapter on blood transfusion. Yet, in the passage of years since, they have lied ( in Europe)
and then re-emphasized the blood issue in the latest book and then offered the KM on blood fractions. I spoke with one C.O. and they
are as cruelly fanatical as ever.
Here's another:
The Society omitted all reference to disfellowshipping in their latest book ( "What Does the Bible Really Teach") This occurred
despite the fact that the book specifically directs people to ask to be baptized AND previous study publications were at least
minimally ethical enough to warn people about disfellowshipping. No longer!
Are they deliberately and consciously lying? or actually trying to change so slowly that no one notices? or is one faction asserting itself
and another one fighting against it?
Go figure. I think Occam's Razor tells me that lying is the simplest explanation.