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by DebbieLopez 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hey Debbie, thanks of that and welcome to the board. Are you actually at University of Adelaide? Last year I was inquiring to go there to do my doctorate but circumstances changed. Though eventually I still might go there, I always like it there.
Anyway, hope you stick around and welcome to the board once again
Welcome to the forum Debbie and thank you for that resource.
Another one I have found quite helpful and interesting is:
It even has one of Rutheford's books.
Are you actually at University of Adelaide?
No, I am not. Just saw the list and thought others may benefit.
I have lurked here before and was a "member" a while back (forgot my alias) lost interest and then had time over the holidays and stumbled back in.
Thank you for the welcome.
Welcome to the forum Debbie and thank you for that resource.
Another one I have found quite helpful and interesting is:
It even has one of Rutheford's books.
Thank you for that additional link. And thank you for the welcome.
Thank you,