In considering the WTs beliefs about the Angels who came down and had sex with women, producing offspring I began to wonder.
This would mean that Angels have the abilility to create a human life without God's help. Both by creating a human body and taking possesion of it and by then using that body to create offspring.
This whole business of materializing is suspicious. To materialize as an aparition, something that looks like a human in order to communicate is one thing. To materialize to reproduce is another. Those Angels were genetically human. Their DNA was compatible with Human DNA enough to enable breeding. Yet it had enough differences from the DNA in humans at that time that the offspring were all recognizably different from the general population.
The only difference, according to the WT's view, is the life force. The WT maintains that a human is two ingredients, physical body and life force from God.
These materialized Angels had made physical bodies that were human but how did they create the life force? If the Angel just took possesion of the Human body then this body was not a "living soul" but a "living soul" was IN the body. This is exactly what the soul doctrine maintains, namely we are sentient beings or souls possesing fleshly bodies. We will leave these bodies at death. But we will still be us.
Another possibility is that materialization is another state of existence for an Angelic creature. That they can be in Spiritual form in another dimension or in physical form in this dimension.
Another option might be that the Angels were able to kill themselves and instill their "lifeforce" in the human body then at death resurrect themselves back to Angelic existence. This is what the WT says Jehovah did with Jesus.Not possible for the Angels unless Jehovah was helping them.
I also wonder if Angels had the power to create a human body and human DNA why not create DNA that was a match for the population on earth at that time. Why was it noticably different?
One final thought is that the Angels or Gods have always had this DNA and simply came down to reproduce with a population that was decended from their DNA stock? Like crossing a wild cat back with a domestic cat. The offsrpring would be noticable different than the domestic cat.