Guess what--! I clicked the phrase 'Jehovahs Witness' at the top of the JWD page, right next to 'Ads by Google,' and found a bunch of ex-JW meet-up groups. One of them, locally, that I checked into had the name and face of a DF'd-then-RI'd-then-DF'd-again son of a JW friend of mine. If I had the nerve, I'd like to ask him how his mom, my former friend, is doing. [I've long since moved and lost touch, even while still active.] Can't risk the exposure, though. Still--it was neat to see someone I personally know right out there and right up front about it! You go, M.H.!!!
recognized my first ex-JW online!!
by J-ex-W 9 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, that's always neat! Back when there was a chat on JWD I started chatting with someone who it turns out used to live one floor up from us in an apartment building. We lost touch and didn't know both had left the org. Was very neat.
I can't wait until I meet my first ex-jw face to face. I think it's going to really bring home how I've escaped....
I communicated thru email with a few from my area that I met on another board. I knew one and had heard of the other. I would like to find someone closer who is out to talk to.This forum is nice but too impersonal. Anybody in Ct., now is your chance.
I can't wait until I meet my first ex-jw face to face. I think it's going to really bring home how I've escaped.... Abandoned
It is really brought home when you are Privileged to engage in a little street witnessing with an ex-JW.
I have already met one person from JWD, I cannot tell you who it is for obvious reasons.
The WTS tells the rank and file that ex-JWs can be identified by a certain feature:
Hey woodsman, I was in CT for years. Windsor Locks, Putnam, Danielson. Spend time there?
The WTS tells the rank and file that ex-JWs can be identified by a certain feature:
Hey Blondie !!!!
Thankyou so much !!!!
I was just about to make an appointment with my primary care physician when I read your post.
HONESTY ------>>>>>> Drives off to Wal-Mart with the $50 Blondie saved him from spending on the doctor visit.
Backed away
The WTS tells the rank and file that ex-JWs can be identified by a certain feature:
Thanks Blondie, horny women are my favorite!