There are a number of long time witnesses in my family ( 60 years plus) who are shocked by the contents of the Jan 1 2007 WT. For the first time they are telling me that someone in the writing department have it sooooo wrong! In their minds it does not mean that the society as a whole is wrong because of their past comments (!!??). But at least they see that something is wrong. I am caught between telling them some things that could further weaken their faith or recognising that they have lived their live by a certain creed and who am I to burst their bubble. I agree that the Jan 1 WT is one of the worst, least researched set of articles I have read yet I am keeping silent because, who am I to tell my elders they have wasted their lives? Why shold I try to undo the the things my relatives have lived their lives by for 50 or 60 years?
WT 1/1/07 the worst in a decade?
by why144000 9 Replies latest jw friends
What specifically is the problem with this wt? (besides the usual)
Are you referring to the last study article, "The First Resurrecton" -- Now under way!"? This refers to the resurrected ones of the 24- elders group communicating divine truths. Also that the first resurrection may or may not have begun in 1918--but certainly it had begun before 1935. The whole article just babbles. The writers must have been out drinking the night before..
Yes please be more specific as most of us don't recieve them anymore nor waste our time reading them but have tried to save the forests. If you could cut and paste some specific para or something. I also heard from a person who reads them that the 1/1/07 articles says something to the effect that the FD doesnt need or use the Christ as a Mediator as they communicate directly with God, don't know if this is true, but would like to. Thanks for anyone who can give some help on this matter. Have a great day.
Actually all that information is not new to a person who was an adult, active JW in the 60's, 70's, and 80's, studying the Babylon the Great good, the Then is Finished the Mystery of God book, the numerous study books about the smaller prophets, and finally the Revelation Climax book which attempted to simplify those so-called "deep" truths. There is thread on JWD that has already discussed this so-called "new" truth.
Specifically, what did your relatives find shocking?
compound complex
Calling MARY!!!
Mary recently scanned/photoshopped [?] a pic of a KH with the roof cut away and 24 bright and shining stars overhead requesting worship. There were posts on this subject already. Will do some digging.
The doctrine presented in WT 1/1/07 does me think of the 70's! This is realy a strange presentation. How can we say that Paul, Luke, Peter etc. have gone to heaven since 1918 without tears in our eyes?? What did they do between the first century and 1900? I'm still a JW, but this presentation is also a discussion in our family. Do the writers think that all JW's are uneducated and waiting for this kind of knowledge??
According to wt doctrine, when people die, they cease to exist. Thus, those supposedly going to heaven, including jesus' 1st century apostles did not exist from the time that they died until they were supposedly recreated from memory in heaven by god in or around 1918. They are a sort of divine construct.
AK - Jeff
Could someone scan this article?