Well I was on Amazon website and did a word search under song titles and artists names. I chose the words "watchtower" and "Jehovah's Witness" and you wouldnt believe all of the stuff that came up. I will post my findings in several increments, so keep checking this thread for updates. Well of course the Jimmy Hendrix song "All along the Watchtower" was most of the hits that I got, but there were also a few other songs that stood out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well to start off I found an Album titled "Dominion" by a group called "Watchtower". Some of their song titles are "taste of Armageddon" "Messenger of faith" "Endless agony" "Haunting memories" and "Watchtower"---If this group dont have any connections to JW's, then they sure seem to have a grasp of what life is like for JW's.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is an album titled "The Beyond" by a group called "cult of luna" they have a song called "watchtower"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is an album called "The Quiet American" with the Artist Craig Armstower (I believe) he has a composition called "Escape from Watchtower" The music sounds suspenseful---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a group called "Dark Throne" with a song called "The Watchtower"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a group called the "Asian Dub Foundation" and their song is called "Storm The Neighborhood Watchtower"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Their is a group called "Looney Tunes" and they have a song called "Watchtower", This song sounded very goth and spooky, demonic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well that's it for the first part of my post. I will finish up here in a few minutes with part 2, so keep reading this topic.
Strange things you can find on the net (JW related)
by Junction-Guy 8 Replies latest social entertainment
Ok so here's part 2-----The above songs and artists were found by doing a word search on "Watchtower", Now the following songs were arrived at by searching "Jehovahs witness" so here they are:----------------------------------------------------------------------The Ken Boynton Band has 2 songs on their album that jumped out at me--Jehovah's Witness" and "Waiting for the light to change"----------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a group called "Grim Klone" and they have a song called "Heats rising/Jehovah's Witness" guess what the name of their album is?--"Plain Brown Wrapper"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The group "Blanks 77" has several songs which caught my eye, they are: "Jehovah's Witness" "Get out alive" "Next Generation" "Final Solution" "We're the ones" and "Do or die"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well folks thats all I found today, so since this is my first post of the year, I would like to take this time to wish everyone a Happy New Year.---------------------Dave
Interesting...keep going...
I'm sorry my Pats knocked your Titans out of the playoffs.
Well not really, though they should have rested Brady more...
compound complex
Greetings J-G,
What a treasure trove of heavenly delights! I cannot believe the titles - "Waiting for the Light to Change?" Did I get the title correct? Too many more WT light changes and we'll have a major celestial chariot crash! Will the Society demand royalties, something about fair use or copyright? Sorry, it's late and I'm nodding off. But I did want to respond and say thanx for this and your replies to my various threads. Till later,
these titles are great. and here I thought only "babylon the great" has christian rock.
Thank you all, I was wondering if anyone even read this post. I probably should have posted it under "friends" so it would get more notice. Yes Compound Complex, that is the actual name of the song "waiting for the light to change".
I think the NY Jets are going to hammer the NE Pats next sunday... I am the channel that God has chosen, doubt me and out of the forum you go.
thecarpentower -
LOL carpenter, I dont care who wins. but if the Jets winning makes you happy, then Im all for it.
Jehovah's Witness" "Get out alive"
LOL.... i think this one is my favorite