I've got several writing/art projects in the works, and it would be nice to have them finished in 2007.
I want a little more peace and a lot less conflict, but I don't seem to be wired that way. I was the guy who was the super-JW, and I seem to also be the guy who is the super ex-JW. This is hard for me to accept, as I lived most of my life doing what I thought would make people like me, but it never quite worked out that way. When you're a gung-ho JW, people don't like that. When you're a gung-ho naturalist, free thinker, atheist - lots of people don't like that. JW and not-JW. You just seem to add to the number of people who think you're simply a selfish asshole.
OK, I want to be able to accept that I'm going to be a person around whom a lot of controversy is flying. All the time.
It's sort of strange. As I get older I wonder at times if anyone will show up at my funeral. The JWs that I knew and loved view me as a considerable threat. And the people that I know outside the Witnesses, a rather large number for sure, I wonder if they would bother to come.
Then I realize that very likely, quite a few from both groups would show up. As much as I think that I'm hated for living a life that has broken most of the rules, I also think that there are people on all sides of that life who respect that about me, that I was always trying to be true to myself, and that that path was not always as clear-cut as it is with most people. And at times I had the courage to do things most people would consider wrong - Leave a religion that wasn't working, despite being in a position of trust and responsibility in it; leave a marriage that,despite being with someone I loved as a friend and partner, and will always love as a friend, was really filled with its own discontent, lies I could no longer live with, and my overwhelming restlessness.
What I want for myself in 2007 is to accept the complex, non-linear person I am, and not fight and be ashamed of that. I want to accept that my life is never going to be peaceful and content. I am blessed and cursed with the restless mind, and I want to not beat myself up for that all the time. That's probablly way too much to ask of any one year! And that is probably way too honest and revealing a post on this thread. But hell, it's New Year's Day.