What do you want for yourself from 2007?

by nicolaou 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    I want closure on the whole cult thing. As I posted recently, the shunning started with my sisters last month and I have absolutely no desire to put up with more of the same from the rest of my family for years on end. I would actually welcome the DF announcement but I want it to come on my terms.

    I do not want to end 2007 as the nominal Jehovah's Witness I am right now. I also want to finally get my new business off the ground (unfortunately it's internet based so I can't give any details without blasting my identity all over the place).

    How about you? What do you want from the next 12 months?

  • Confession

    I'll comment purely with reference to my goals as an ex-JW.

    -I have been inspired by SeattleNiceGuy to create a series of videos, first chronicling my life as a JW and departure from the organization, then sharing my reasons for leaving.

    -My daughter is going to help me create a website at which my JW family and friends will find pictures of her and me, and can be brought up to date on what's happening in our lives--without having to contact us. (You know that most of them will sneak a peek in there once in awhile.)

    -This website will also have a section that includes the research and writing I've done on the WTS. (And maybe the videos too; why not?)

    -I am absolutely, positively going to finally send off that letter to my mother. (It's about 23 pages right now; very cathartic writing it.) Here I'll also let her know the website address.

    -I am going to create a database of all the JW addresses and e-mail addresses I can find, and send them a similar letter, making sure they know 'I am no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses' because it was MY choice. They'll get the web address too.

    Let the fun begin!

  • JWdaughter

    I want to finish my book(before I am 41 in June). I want to have intimacy (not nec. sex, but if it came with real intimacy-lots of it!). I want to move. I want my daughter to be a safe driver. I want the health of my family to improve, particularly my son, recently diagnosed with athsma and who has stomach issues. I want my house to not smell like dog. A vacation would be nice, but not holding my breath. I want everyone here with serious JW family issues to have some resolution and peace about them. I would like my mom to see the real 'light' about the org. and leave it. I want everyone home from the middle east and for peace to break out like sunshine after the rain. Oh, and looking forward to the new wash/wear cami's that are not be be ironed or starched.

    My needs are simple.

  • juni

    A loving relationship with a soulmate.


  • Seeker4

    I've got several writing/art projects in the works, and it would be nice to have them finished in 2007.

    I want a little more peace and a lot less conflict, but I don't seem to be wired that way. I was the guy who was the super-JW, and I seem to also be the guy who is the super ex-JW. This is hard for me to accept, as I lived most of my life doing what I thought would make people like me, but it never quite worked out that way. When you're a gung-ho JW, people don't like that. When you're a gung-ho naturalist, free thinker, atheist - lots of people don't like that. JW and not-JW. You just seem to add to the number of people who think you're simply a selfish asshole.

    OK, I want to be able to accept that I'm going to be a person around whom a lot of controversy is flying. All the time.

    It's sort of strange. As I get older I wonder at times if anyone will show up at my funeral. The JWs that I knew and loved view me as a considerable threat. And the people that I know outside the Witnesses, a rather large number for sure, I wonder if they would bother to come.

    Then I realize that very likely, quite a few from both groups would show up. As much as I think that I'm hated for living a life that has broken most of the rules, I also think that there are people on all sides of that life who respect that about me, that I was always trying to be true to myself, and that that path was not always as clear-cut as it is with most people. And at times I had the courage to do things most people would consider wrong - Leave a religion that wasn't working, despite being in a position of trust and responsibility in it; leave a marriage that,despite being with someone I loved as a friend and partner, and will always love as a friend, was really filled with its own discontent, lies I could no longer live with, and my overwhelming restlessness.

    What I want for myself in 2007 is to accept the complex, non-linear person I am, and not fight and be ashamed of that. I want to accept that my life is never going to be peaceful and content. I am blessed and cursed with the restless mind, and I want to not beat myself up for that all the time. That's probablly way too much to ask of any one year! And that is probably way too honest and revealing a post on this thread. But hell, it's New Year's Day.


  • lonelysheep

    I want to have balance in my life and work. I want to want to have sex again. I want to move closer to the area where I grew up and have my kids attend school there. I want an agent and to have my songs published. I want contractual changes in my life and wish for them to occur peacefully and on my terms. Most of all, I want to be the complete, 100% me as soon into the year as possible.

  • lfcviking

    The same thing as every year to pursue happiness.

  • zagor

    Well I've been thinking about that a lot in last couple of days. I've got some things I really want to do. I want to travel more than I did in last two years so already next week I'm boarding the plane and I'm off for two weeks, yahoooooo

    Another thing is I want to finally finish what I've started last year. So I'm getting serious about finally committing to do my doc research, I really feel good about it so wish me luck.

  • restrangled

    I want to quit smoking but am not going to do the New Year resolution thing, because it doesn't work. I also want to organize the garage.....in other words every saved stinking item out that we haven't looked at in the last 5 years. This will then enable us to build my husbands office and music room for my piano.

    The garage is 24' x 28' so we have plenty of room to expand....once its empty.

    Seems simple but totally overwhelming at this point.


  • Purza

    I want to be free of credit card debt. I think that can happen this year. No New Years Resolutions for me -- I will make changes because I want or need to.


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