Yes, I believe people are running wildly back to the Kingdom Halls because of the tragic events of September 11. I believe as Victor stated, that their ingrained FEAR makes their feet automatically head in that direction because it gives them the false sense of security they need at this time. But...running back to the Watchtower is like running under that mighty oak in the lightning storm, thinking its broad branches will protect you from harm, when in reality it is the very thing the lightening seeks to hit...and will take whomever is under it with it when struck.
There will be a great influx for a while, and unfortunately for the Society they cut off their year September 1 and so this great influx wont be noticed until January 2003s numbers come in. Im sure Bethel is all afflutter with excitement at the possibilities of this tragedy bringing more sheep into the fold for them to capture for slaves to distribute their Hate in Gods Name propaganda. Meetings are being held to work this baby, work it work it work it! so the BEST results are gotten..."isnt it time to start that Bible study we discussed?" Well of are scared shitless and Im here to take advantage of you, just as I was taught lo these many years in the Ministry School. Already a Christian you say? WRONG! You arent a GOOD enough Christian and unless you become a JEHOVAHS WITNESS YOU WILL DIE DIE DIE!"
I find ANYONE who takes this opportunity to SELL their products DISPICABLE! And that ESPECIALLY goes for any religious organizations that stand to profit from peoples fear! They are no better than ambulance chasers! Gas price gouging station owners! They are no better than the terrorists themselves. If GOD is what these people need then why give them MAGAZINES?? Why not hand out BIBLES? FREE Bibles with NO strings attached and NO return visits and NO pressure to STUDY or DIE!! There is a tire company here locally that advertises with background music playing of the Battle Hymn of the Republic that they will give ONE DOLLAR to the Red Cross for every TIRE THEY SELL in September so come on in and SUPPORT THE RED CROSS! They say. Im SICKENED by it! If they are so damn concerned about those people in New York why arent they giving ALL of their proceeds? Why arent they giving whether they sell anything or NOT? How DARE they advertise this false nobility??
The Watchtower Society should COWER IN SHAME at their blatant disgusting pimping...they are no better than whores selling their wares. Special FS meeting indeed!! How best can we SCREW THE HORROR STRUCK PEOPLE??
Rub your dirty palms together in delight, roll up those sleeves you whores of Brooklyn Heights...before you are tossed out the window and land amongst the dogs where you belong.