If you were ever interested ini owning all of the old material that you could show to JW's, here is your chance to get it all in one place. It takes many years to find and purchase all that is needed to do this. Now, get it all in one shot!
Please see the auction link below. Taking best offers!
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Selling entire WT collection......HUGE 1879-2005
by Unclepenn1 7 Replies latest jw friends
I told my dad to do the same a while ago with his old bound volumes. It was too late. Although he was able to pawn all his KM's dating back to 1967. The old codger was over all that crap, but most are not. At least he got a few bucks off of all the Friday night migraines.
Very impressive. One would probably need to build an extra room just to house it all.
You don't seem to have any Golden Age or Consolation magazines.
Just looking at those pictures together makes me want to ask one question:
Name one religion that has ever produced as many books/magazines/brochures/etc. as the WTS has. Hell, name any business that has produced such an array of literature. (weekly or monthly publications don't count)
Depends what you mean, Jourles. If you count the output of all the Catholic monasteries and universities over the years, the WTS is barely a drop in the bucket.
Wow, this is probably the second time I've seen so much shit lumped together. The first time was in an elder's basement - the walls were made of bookshelves solely to hold WT Literature. It was all destroyed in the great flood of 1995