Classifying the Watchtower Society?

by The wanderer 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Classifying the Watchtower Society?

    Taking a closer look at the Watchtower Society after being a witness,
    how would you classify the Society? Some individuals would compare
    the Watchtower to a totalitarian or governmental society, others as a
    cult and still others as a corporation of sorts.

    How do you view it and why?


    The Wanderer

  • avidbiblereader

    I veiw them just as the Bible says, ones who quietly would come in and disown their Master and draw away disciples after themselves, turn away from them, it is becoming more and more evident that they have turned away millions with their false teachings and have brought a ton of reproach upon God and His Son. The damage is just unbelievable in terms of human pain and suffering.


  • Gill

    The Watchtower Society is a Prison for the Mind, and Death for the Soul.

    Like a giant leech, they suck out a persons, dreams, hopes, ambitions, time.....and money!

    They're a large business that survives by leeching off the foolish, the brainwashed, the misfits and the malcontents!

    That's their business and That is what they do!

  • thecarpenter

    Well, it sort of reminds me of the Millerite movement in which it attracted a lot of adherents to the cause with seemingly plausible conclusions about the bible and the end times. Perhaps the only difference is that when the prophecies failed with the millerites, they disbanded; the watchtower dishonestly switched their conclusions and revised their history. They started out with good intentions but ended up being a unethical christian organization with cultish leanings.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Gill:

    Tremendous commentary!

    Thank you,

    The Wanderer

  • Gill

    No! Thank you Wanderer!

    I've had the misfortune to spend time with JW relatives this weekend!

    Let's just say....I'm still 'recovering' from the experience!

  • diamondblue1974
    Let's just say....I'm still 'recovering' from the experience!

    I knew something had got you onto your soapbox you poor soul - hope your recovery is swift

    I think the WTS could be classed as the furies as written by RS Thomas

    The furies are at home
    in the mirror; it is their address.
    Even the clearest water,
    if deep enough can drown.

    Never think to surprise them.
    Your face approaching ever
    so friendly is the white flag
    they ignore. There is no truce

    with the furies. A mirror's temperature
    is always at zero. Its camera
    is an X-ray. It is a chalice

    held out to you in
    silent communion, where gaspingly
    you partake of a shifting
    identity never your own.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The WTS is clearly a mind-control cult.
    (You knew I would say that)

    They use the standard techniques of information control,
    emotional control, behaviour control, thought control.
    They use the standard method of deceptive recruiting and
    coercive measures to retain members.

    They could not be totally defined as just a corporation, although
    they are a profitable corporation. It would never work without the cult.

    I do see major changes as the cult fails to recruit new members.
    Perhaps they will survive as a corporation, printing Bible materials
    and paying the taxes on the sales. Then they will become-

    Otherwise, Gill's comment rocks.

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