Hey everyone just need some extra sayings, thoughts, information and insight PLEASE. My daughter is 22 and has a beautifull 16 month old daughter, my daughter is DF'd and is moving on with her life, she has been for Df'd for 6 years. However she does let her mother watch my granddaughter and help her in babysitting. They have a childcare relationship and that is it. Yesterday, when picking up my granddaughter from her 110% Witness mother, she got into it with her about Armageddon, ME of all subjects and my spirituality, her being DF'd and coming back to "help" both of us.
My Daughter held her ground but came over crying her eys out with all the judging, hpocrisy and double standards, who gets away with wrongdoing and others are punished, You all know the story, different characters, same lines different stage.
My concerns are for my granddaughter and how long will it be before she starts to understand her Grandma and her religion. My daughter has made it known don't push the religion on her daughter. I know that this will happen,
What do you have to offer in words, experiences or insight on why she needs to break of the granddaughter from the Grandma witness, I worry that the emotional damage that could be on my granddaughter as she gets older is going to be too much. I seen my daughter have to go through therapy twice and her mother abandoned her at age 16. I have seen all the times she has cried "knowing the religion" but not having the relationship with her biological mother. How long can you put off the inevitable. Is it time for my daughter to DF the grandmother from the child without using a child as a pawn? Thanks for any insight and have a great week.