Two sides to a story

by bigboi 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi

    This is an essay I wrote a little more than 5 yrs ago. I had just been reinstated after losing my 'priveleges' as an unbaptized publisher and was well on my way to being baptized at the next District Connvention.

    It was a college English class and we were studying argumentation and refutation. I found a response from a reader in the January 15, 1996 editon of TIME magazine and decided to answer this reader's comments.

    He said:

    "The question should not be Is The Bible Fact or Fiction? but, rather as fiction, how does the Bible stand up? As a stylist, God is uneven. he fails to speak with a consistent authoritative voice. His use of legendary material lacks the verisimilitude of a Homer or a John Ford. He often repeats himself, betraying his insecurituy as a writer. What a better world this would be if its dominant faiths took thier fictions not from God but from some author with greater compassion and understanding, such as Shakespeare or Hermann Melville of Dr. Suess."

    I was astounded by this guy's comments, to say the least. To be honest I felt sorry for him. I thought how misguided and decieved this guy was. Typical thoughts for a witness, huh?

    Well, thing s have changed and I still don't agree with his description of God's literary style, but I can say that now I have a better understanding of his feelings.

    This is the essay I wrote in response to his commentary.

    In the january 15, 1996 edition of TIME magazine, there contained responses to a series of articles under the title, "The Bible Fact or Fiction?" Contained therein was a letter from a Mr. Bob Black of Albany, New York in which he states that the Bible is a fictional work, and implies it isn't a good one at that. He also stated that the as a literary stylist God is "uneven" and lacks a "consistent authoritative voice". He also states that the Bible's accounts lack anysemblence of truth when compared to other writers. According to Mr. Black God is also an insecure writer because of his use of repitionin the Bible. This led to Mr. Black's conclusion that the world would be a better plavce if religion placed their faith not in the Word of God, bt in the works of men like Shakespeare, Melville or even Dr. Suess.(that was cold!)

    Now, I have been taught that the Bible is the Word of God and that every word contained in each of it's 66 books is true. However, this assignment won't allow me to go into detailed proof of the Bible's candor. So I will focus my attention on Mr Blacks other statements, namely God's "uneven" style, his "insecure" repetition and his lack of compassion and understanding.

    When bringing up the style of the writing contained in the Bible Mr Black has a point. It is quite varied. to a mind's eye that merely glances at the thoughts contained it may seem uneven. However, when one thinks about how and when the Bible was written a logical conclusion for this seemingly uneven style readily come to the fore. The Bible was written by 40 different men over a period of some 1600 yrs. the only similarty that these men possessed was that they were of Hebrew descent. They came from all walks of life. Some were princes and kings. Others were shepherds, farmers and fisherman. So even though they were all inspired by God to write(as 1Peter 1:21 brings out). they used thier own style of writing as many Bible scholars attest to today. Also given the lenght of time during which the Bible was written, we can also appreciate that some of these men wrote during times of happiness as well as times of crisis. Different messages had to be relayed to cope with the particular problems of the time. God in his infinite wisdom knew what kind of man would be needed and if that person would use the right style that His message desired. Although God inspired these men to write the Bible, he evidently did not stifle their personalities. So their own styles showed up in the writings.

    Mr. Black also stated that God's use of repitition betrayed his insecurity as a writer. In refuting this assumption I will say that the Bible is primarily a book of moral and ethical laws. It was provided so that man could know what it is that his Creator expects from him. With that having been said, we can liken our relationship with God to a parent-child relationship. Of course, with God rightly assuming the parental role. No doubt, God wants us to remember his laws or teachings. Parents today often have to say something over and over before their children will listen, remeber or understand what they are saying. Indeed, as the saying goes "repetition is the mother of retention." I also think that if a thing is repeated enough, then it might be important and we do well to take heed.

    Lastly, I will give attention to Mr. Black's statement regarding God's lack of compassion. It was troubling when I read that, bcause from my own reading of the Bible I believe that God's compassion is presented as one of his most enduring qualities. In fact, the greatest expression of his compassion toward humans took place some 2,00 years ago. Most ppl on this planet know what happened, yet few recognize the signinficanceof it. Hence, they cannot grasp how God really feels about mankind.

    Two thousand years ago God allowed his only-begotten son to die for mankind. Yes, God provided a ransom for mankind, so that they could be rescued from bondage to sin and death. Even if one believed that the Bible was a fictional work, they would have to admit that it was a great act of fictional compassion on the creator's part. This is so because He sent His son to die on behalf of creatures who would not appreciate His sacrifice. As Romans 5:6-8 brings out: "For, indeed, Christ, while we were yet weak, died for ungodly men at the appointed time. For hardly will anyone die for a righteous man; indeed, for the good man, perhaps, someone even dares to die. But God reccommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

    So, in ending, I hope my arguments in favor of the Bible's literary style, God's use of repetition and his great compassion and understanding has helped turn Mr. Black to a more uninhibited view of the Bible. The aforementioned examples are just some of the many the word of God offers to us all. The Bible is truly the greatest literary work produced. As 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17 bring out: "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."

    I always tried to find middle ground in dealing with ppl. I tried to let the bible stand on it's own merits. I don't totally disagree with my answer to him, neither do I agree with the statements he made. Nonetheless, it was my answer to him and how I felt at the time. Doubt if ii was alone in feeling that way.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • teejay

    Interesting essay, Bigboi. I'll give you a 'G.' It is certainly worth being the basis for a Talk #5.

    However, you wrote that years ago. I'm not exactly sure where you are now in your spiritual journey, but how would YOU critique what you wrote back then? I'll save any further comments until you respond.


    Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
    -- Mark Twain
  • bigboi
    I'm not exactly sure where you are now in your spiritual journey, but how would YOU critique what you wrote back then?

    Then you and I also have that in common. I'm not exactly sure where I am in my spritual journey either.

    I would say now that my answer to that gentleman was too simple. It basically claimed everything that the bible said was true. I find that hard to believe nowadays. It's just real hard to believe how much your views can change over the yrs, ya know?

    What i still disagree with though is the manner he questioned the Bible. He equated Scripture with Dr.Seuss. I felt that was just a silly comparison. I don't know for certain if he meant it as a slight towards the Bible, but as I pointed out even if the Bible is a work of fiction, it certainly is not on a level of a Dr. Seuss. It deals with aspects of human nature that encompasses all areas of living.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."


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