I have been wondering and trying to find some information into whether the WTBS has ever played the race game. When I see pictures of the society of old, all I see is white people. I don't see any blacks, asians, hispanic, or mixed (black and white or whatever) couples. Since the WTBS was also around during the turbulent times of racial uprisings, I wanted to know if there is anything out there where the society practiced segragation and then changed their mind about it (like they do about anything and everything else). I guess that you can say that I find it hard to believe that the JW's were that revolutionary in welcoming people of all races to worship together in the early years and then some.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Racism
by karnage 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This subject has been aired many times , so Mr Karnage I'll say it again Yes racism is alive and doing very well in the WTS!
Most minority "brothers" will affirm it's reality - and yet the quotations I've seen of older documents have still shocked me!
See: http://www.premier1.net/~raines/discrimination.html
Also check out these quotes:
"Recognizing that it meant either the success or the failure of the...[Photo] Drama as respects the whites, we have been compelled to assign the colored friends to the gallery... Some were offended at this arrangement. We have received numerous letters from the colored friends, some claiming that it is not right to make a difference, others indignantly and bitterly denouncing [us] as enemies of the colored people. Some ... told us that they believe it would be duty to stand up for equal rights and always to help the oppressed.... We again suggested that if a suitable place could be found in which the Drama could be presented for the benefit of the colored people alone, we would be glad to make such arrangements, or to cooperate with any others in doing so" (The Watchtower, 1 April 1914, p. 110).
"They have been and are a race of servants, but now in the dawn of the twentieth century, we are all coming to see this matter of service in its true light and to find that the only real joy in life is in serving others; not bossing them. There is no servant in the world as good as a good Colored servant, and the joy that he gets from rendering faithful service is one of the purest joys there is in the world." (The Golden Age, 24 July 1929, p. 702)
"Why do we tolerate the segregation laws and policies of certain governments and organizations of this world? Because Jehovah has not commissioned us to convert the world, which is wicked beyond recovery and hence will be destroyed. Jehovah has commissioned us to preach the gospel.... To buck the segregation laws would bring on disruption of the witness work, halting of it, mob violence, and possible loss of life. .... Even within the Christian congregation Paul did not protest the slavery of his time. Onesimus was Philemon’s slave, and both were Christians.... Can we not wait upon Jehovah to avenge the wrongs we suffer now? Really, our colored brothers have a great cause for rejoicing. Their race is meek and teachable, and from it comes a high percentage of the theocratic increase." (The Watchtower, 1 February 1952, p. 95)
I have seen a little here in the past.
I am quick to get on people's cases when the
bring that shit in here, and if I was a
mod, it would be even more efficient (hehe).
One elder put it very well:
"Any problem that is in the world, it will show
up in the organization, but it will be to a lesser
degree." -
A more compelling analysis might take into consideration what society as a whole was saying at the time.
Judging these quotes by 21st century standards is suspect.
Judging the quotes by how deviant the quotes are from "mainstream" thought and publications of that time would provide more insight.
I have always wondered why it so long for an African/American to become a member of the G/B , 100 years?
Not only do I see animosity between the races, the local Bros refuse to take seriously anyone in a congo where English is not spoken.
Stupid Armageddon Okies.
Save My Soul
Growing up and serving in an inner-city environment I must say I have heard of many cases. Many black elders would move too other areas and never get appointed. Some were elders for 10, 20 or more years and the new body would delay their appointment for YEARS. I have seens white elders come (on their own) to a new hall and get appointed within 6 months. I personally know of about 10 instances of this over the years.
After moving to a white hall the gatherings were very segregated. Only the blacks that were very, very friendly (non-threathing and Carlton-like) were invited. Blacks were all at the KH for B/S unless their home was used. Eventually the black friends started to have gatherings with guess who...... Seperate but equal. It was incredible. I know this is my opinion and people feel more comfortable around their OWN Kind, but isn't that a mantra of the heathens and "Worldly People". It is everywhere. We are all imperfect!!