by badboy 5 Replies latest jw friends
A poster named "Larc" (deceased) provided some strongly suggestive information on this issue. His aunt was one of the women who accompanied Rutherford to the mansion, Beth Sarim, near San Diego. There was a large group that stayed in that house ... which was not all that big. This left the bedroom and kitchen for Rutherford and Larc's aunt to sleep. There is other more tangy evidence which is detail the best by Farkel. He and I posted on this topic, but he did a better job of getting more facts. You can find it posted sometime in the last year or two under his screen name, Farkel. - Enjoy, it is fascinating.
Jim Whitney
thanks,only the search option didn't seemed to really worked last time I USED IT!
Don't use the search button ... instead ... use member directory. Go to Farkel's screen name, and start with the most recenting postings and go backwards. That avenue works. The search function no longer works and has not for a long time.
Jim Whitney
A 27 page thread! --VM44
Rutherford Exposed: The Story of Berta and Bonnie
According to the book "The Four Presidents of the WTS'' pg 31, fourth generation ex-JW Edmund Gruss, tells us that in the post-1925 period, after the failure of his "end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it" prophecy, JFR was a changed man. Something evidently cracked inside him and he began to manifest some odd and bizarre behaviour traits.
His drinking, which at the best of times was scarcely moderate, began to get so bad that it verged on the alchoholic. His language became abusive and profane, especially to those who, like Freddy Franz considered themselves close to him. His temper, which had in the past always been a problem, became almost violent in its explosiveness.
And there was his sexual proclivities.
Conniving with his younger accolite, Nathan Knorr, Franz saw it in his best interests to shuffle JFR off to the western retreat of the WTS, Beth Sarim in California. Franz would create an itenerary, and concocting the idea that the peace and quiet there would encourage JFR to better literary creativity, see to it that the Leader departed, leaving Bethel HQ to the conspirators.
When JFR travelled, he insisted on doing so with style. Sometimes using first class train service, or one of his two chauffeur driven sixteen-cylinder Cadillacs, he was always accompanied by two important items:
1 Copious amounts of his favourite Canadian liquor [in prohibitionist America]
2 Four, [yep, not content with one, or two, or even three] ''Spiritual sisters'' whose purpose it was to "wait on his every need" He even had a pre-arranged system for summoning them: each had a whistle that would identify them, one whistle for one, two whistles for another, and so on.
>Sigh< What a life. But then someone had to live it, so.... why not him!!