Has The Watchtower Society Changed?

by The wanderer 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Has The Watchtower Society Changed?

    Two nights ago, there laying on a countertop, were the latest
    issues of the Watchtower and Awake magazines. One was
    dealing with the issue of honesty and the other with the
    issue of false religion.

    Curiosity led me to scan the periodicals; it seems the Watchtower
    has left out the mention of the United Nations in the Awake magazine
    dealing with false religion. I vividly recall that false religion and the
    United Nations were typically connected.

    Comparing The Organization To What It Was Ten Years Ago

    • Can anyone offer any insights whether the Watchtower has changed?

    • Are the magazines more flexible in their stand?

    • Is the Watchtower Society slowly getting away from the "wild beast" mentality
      in connection with the UN without causing much of a stir?

    Thank you for your thoughts.


    The Wanderer

  • james_woods

    Having been away for so long now that I would barely recognize a Watchtower paper magazine, I cannot say for sure...

    But, from what I read here on the forum - NO, WTS will never really change. Yes, they would just love to forget about the 1975, the UN mess they made, and many other things, but - they are never going to stop the head games, the power trips, the DF threat, etc.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.


  • blondie

    When researching the UN, it is good to also look under the phrase "scarlet-colored wild beast" and Revelation 17:9-17. The WTS can bury the UN ID under other terms, such as "ten horns."


  • avidbiblereader

    Without reading all the info supplied in this thread



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Morphed is the word I would use.

    They adapt and survive by insidious deception. They are for example, not nearly as blatant with the way they deal with 'wrongdoers' as they used to be - they hide the information in 'secret' books [which are not too secret since the internet], whereas in the 60's and 70's it was more open how they viewed things. They have morphed due to pressure [or percieved pressure], and will continue to get better and better at hiding the reality of the mind-control they use from peering public eyes. {if they are to survive} But they are the same at the heart as always.


  • NanaR


    You asked:

    Is the Watchtower Society slowly getting away from the "wild beast" mentality
    in connection with the UN without causing much of a stir?

    I searched the 2005 WT CD. I used Blondie's suggestion to search for not only United Nations, but also Wild Beast and Ten Horns.

    The latest article I found identifying the United Nations with the destruction of Babylon the Great was in a 2005 Watchtower (I don't have access to the 2006 ones yet). This was it:

    Watchtower September 15, 2006 page 19 paragraphs 13 and 14 -- Walk by Faith, Not by Sight!

    13 Something similar is about to take place in our day. Elements within the United Nations will be involved in the execution of divine judgment. Just as the Roman armies of the first century were designed to maintain the Pax Romana (Roman Peace), the United Nations of today is intended to be a peacekeeping instrument. Although the Roman armies tried to ensure relative safety throughout the then known world, they became the desolater of Jerusalem. Likewise today, Bible prophecy indicates that militarized powers within the United Nations will see religion as a disturbing element and will act to destroy modern-day Jerusalem—Christendom—as well as the rest of Babylon the Great. (Revelation 17:12-17) Yes, the entire world empire of false religion stands on the brink of destruction.

    14 The desolation of false religion will mark the beginning of the great tribulation. In the final part of the great tribulation, the remaining elements of this wicked system of things will be destroyed. (Matthew 24:29, 30; Revelation 16:14, 16) Walking by faith keeps us alert to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. We are not duped into thinking that any man-made agency like the United Nations is God’s means of bringing true peace and security. So, then, should not our way of life demonstrate our conviction that "the great day of Jehovah is near"?—Zephaniah 1:14.

    Sounds pretty much like what I was taught years ago.

    It is interesting, though, that when I searched just for "United Nations" I got a lot of quotations from UN reports. Looks like the WTBTS has been making good use of that "library card" *hah*

    Also, I don't think that the last tract specifically identified the UN with the Wild Beast.


    Good question!


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear NanaR:

    Thank you for your time and research.
    It is probably a question that some
    individuals on this board have.


    The Wanderer

  • candidlynuts

    note the language " elements within the un" "miltarized powers within the UN" that is new.. used to they'd just specify the UN as a whole .

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