Help.... I need to information what the official position of the WBTS is regarding the general use of the internet for active jehovah witness's, Is it approved only for jw sites only, or for all sites.....I am in an argument about it, Thanks for any information you can provide....
Help !
by defective light 3 Replies latest jw friends
Official, huh? I've heard the talk and read the article on "Beware the Voice of Strangers" .
I've seen it characterized as devious and dangerous due to the prevalence of pornography and "ahem" apostates. Google has been mentioned by name from the platform. I've heard that has also been mentioned by name. Like many prohibitions, the WTS advises caution, asking members to exercise their bible-trained consicence. Which I interpret to mean, they can go as far as they like as long as they don't get caught. And they are to feel very, very guilty about it.
JW's are definitely NOT supposed to set up their own sites or discussion boards. They are to humbly leave that to "official" sources,
one of the last meetings i attended there was counsel about reading newspapers and news sites online. i think there is more verbal counsel than written counsel about internet use .
Nailing down the Jehovah's Witnesses official doctrine is like trying to nail down pudding. There isn't much solidity because they give themselves plenty of contradictory material to cherry-pick from. The internet issue is a tough one to prove, I've tried. The only thing I can suggest is cracking open the Watchtower Library CD and using any information that "frowns upon" the use of internet sites. It is really more suggestive than official. Good luck tho.