Adam and Eve account does not meet the criterion of a story!

by economy 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • economy

    Adam and Eve story does not follow the common logic.

    1) Children would never believe a lie (especially from a stranger) against their father who has already proved a Supreme Benefactor to them!

    2) If even if they believed, normal course of action would have been to wait! Because God says they will die if they eat of forbidden tree, and serpent says they will not. If they would allow the time to pass, they would know the truth. If God is a liar, they will find signs of old-age and death developing in their bodies, and they can easily avoid death by eating of the forbidden tree. If they do not find any signs of old-age and death developing in their bodies, then they would know Satan is a liar.

    3) Even if they wanted to eat, no sensible person would decide to eat of the forbidden tree together with the other person! [If people wanted to know the taste of cyanide, why all of them should choose to taste simultaneously?] Eve ate first. That means they are now in a position to know the consequence of that action. If she becomes like God, becoming better and better day by day because she ate of the tree, her husband could now decide to eat of the tree. On the other hand, if Eve shows the signs of old age and death because she ate of the tree, Adam can decide not to eat of that tree, and take the matter with God for a solution.

    4) God’s response falls short of His status:
    a) cursed all snakes, even those yet to be born (Gen 3:14)
    b) made excruciating labor-pain mandatory for all women (Gen 3:16)
    c) made earning livelihood difficult for men (3:18, 19)
    d) admitted He had a hidden agenda, thus proves Satan was not a liar (God declared, in Genesis 3:22, that Adam and Eve have “
    now become like one of us” fulfilling what Satan had foretold: “when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God.” (Gen 3:5) This prospect was kept hidden when God originally announced the law: “you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Gen 2:17)

    Thus, Adam and Eve account clearly backfires on God and even on the writer himself as one who has no sense of logic or reason! Thus account fails to meet the criterion of a story!

  • prologos
    E, good to see you tackle that! Genesis meets the criterion of a very badly written story; It is fiction, not history. Even the modern sequel, the Edenic angels with the twirling swords now guarding the ever open pearly gates, the ransom, the redemption,--- lack substance. Pravda.
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    They make the claim that Adam was perfect. But it seems to me, once God removed one of Adam's ribs to make Eve, he became defective.
  • Divergent
    God + making man in HIS image + naked human couple + free will + tree & forbidden fruit + talking serpent = total disaster
  • abiather
    That means, if we replace names of the characters with some modern names and send this story for a short-story competition, it will definitely be rejected!
  • prologos
    since it is being spun for 6000-3500 years it hardly qualifies as a short story anyway.
  • Vidiot

    abiathar - "That means, if we replace names of the characters with some modern names and send this story for a short-story competition, it will definitely be rejected!"

    I think that's the most sensible thing I've ever seen you write.

    I also think tt's the only sensible thing I've ever seen you write.


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