one of the ladies i work with , was getting pestered by jw's about 5 years ago. she's a strong trinitian christian, and is really good with the bible. she was holding her own . in the trinity and hell. for a few weeks. in fact she was kicking the shit out of the jw's. till one day i caught the jw's working her 3 on 1. well i got her to shift off the trinity and into the wt doctrine. together we whipped about 10 jw's over the course of a month. she did a full expose' of the red "live for ever in paradise" book . i mean she wrote every thing down . on how they were wrong. they jw's had no answers fror her. all the while I'm bringing up one false prophecy after another... we were a good team. any way the jw's have been coming to her house the last few weekends. she keeps inviting them back, hasn't really talked to them much. she's setting them up. she told me. and i agreed to come over . once she ties them into the chair's and give them kool-aid. this may happen this week or next week. it's going to be wild. if these jw's don't know me. it's going to be one hell of a ride. i figure to get the elders over by week 2. and bury any jw inbetween. just to let eveyone know the jw's picked the wrong door. this lady is tough. and with me there she can't lose. hope we can plant acres of seeds. it will be fun. and i will tell all. john
book/bible study set up with local jw's. wait till i show up !!!!!!!!!!!!!
by johnny cip 4 Replies latest jw friends
I wish they would come to my house. There is a KH only a mile away but they just won't come see me. They don't even know I'm an exJW. I would love to tear them to shreds.
Good Luck!
Go get them John!! Teach them from the church of the painful truth!
johnny cip
just called my job; my christian lady is ready, seems they gave her some mag's and she's been refuting them for her self . she's good at that. using the bible. tomorrow i'm bringing her the " REVALATION CLIMAX AT HAND BOOK" and i have it all highlighted. we are going to jump right into . this years book study... it's going to be a slaughter. i'm bringing my copy of "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" plus wt reprints from 1920. before i start. i'm going to set up these jw's like bowling pins. that they can prove everything about the 1920's. then i'm going to roll a perfect 300 game. my only question is should i give them a mill stone and let them jump into the sea in 10 minutes. Or should I let the wander in the desert for 40 years? . I'm guessing about 1 hour is all they can take before vomiting all over the floor. john
Go for the throat John!
You've got the right idea too. I've found that the best source of info on the real "truth" behind the Watchtower Society can be found in their OWN past publications! And since those books were published by the Watchtower Society, the JWs cant object. After all, it's not apostate literature!